Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JDCS3541, Oct 1, 2017.

  1. JDCS3541

    JDCS3541 Space Hobo

    Hello today I want to ask if there is a solution to this problem:
    received the mission of marlon to enter the guild and when I kill the 10 drooling does not appear to talk to marlon.
    If there is a solution, can you please tell me?
    • sunlite

      sunlite Pangalactic Porcupine

      Can you take a screenshot of the quest? Once I had a glitch where it asked me to kill 10 rock crabs, so I'm just curious to see if it'll help.
      • JDCS3541

        JDCS3541 Space Hobo

        first I go to the newspaper
        I'm looking for a drool
        three killed to the drool and does not increase the marker

        2017-10-01_18h05_42.png 2017-10-01_18h05_42.png

        2017-10-01_18h05_10.png 2017-10-01_18h05_24.png
          Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2017
        • sunlite

          sunlite Pangalactic Porcupine

          Same thing happened to me. However, I killed a rock crab and it said 1 of 10 rock crab slain. Try killing a rock crab then see if the counter changes. If it does, just kill 10 of those. Not a perfect solution but it worked for me!
          • JDCS3541

            JDCS3541 Space Hobo

            gracias pero no funciona to me

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