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I can't play Wargroove anymore please help !

Discussion in 'Support' started by Homme Chemise, Jan 16, 2020.

  1. Homme Chemise

    Homme Chemise Space Hobo

    So I was playing wargroove on my mac and I went into option and video to change the size of the window. I miss clicked on the highest size of window possible and now the the window is so big that i can't reach the option to reduce it. I tried relaunch the game, reinstall it but every time it just come back with the same size of window. I can't even click on option. Please, please help me.
    Here's a screen shot because its complicated to explain ( sorry for my english, i'm french). Capture d’écran 2020-01-16 à 09.34.51.png
    • Pangaea

      Pangaea Forum Moderator

      Try this: go to Users\Library\Chucklefish\Wargroove and delete the folder called 'save_local' then relaunch the game. It should remove all of the options you set but not save data.
      • Homme Chemise

        Homme Chemise Space Hobo

        First : Really thanks for your response but I'm sorry, I can be really be really bad on computer. Where do I look ? On my finder or on Steam ?
        • Pangaea

          Pangaea Forum Moderator

          Use your finder.

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