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Bug/Issue I can't control my player, almost at all.

Discussion in 'Support' started by PROShwee, Oct 16, 2018.

  1. PROShwee

    PROShwee Void-Bound Voyager

    I was just enjoying my time playing the game when suddenly my player would just walk in one direction and never stop. I do not why this happened and how to fix it. I can change the direction of the where player is going but after I spam my WASD buttons 7 times over. Sometimes it would just stop moving, and I still can't control my player. And then it worse, it would start to constantly using whatever is in my hand and never stop. Like if i had an watering can out, it would constantly water what is in front of me. I tried everything, I tried to restart my game, that didn't work, it would just put me in the bed stuck. I tried to make a new farmer, that didn't work, couldn't even finish the intro at all. I tried to uninstall and reinstall the game, it still didn't work. I looked all over online, and one "solution" worked only once and only lasted 3 minutes before it started to do it again. There is no real solution to this bug or glitch. I don't know if I'm the only one dealing with this, but this is just incredibly frustrating because apparently others have faced this problem back in March of 2017. So my question is how has this bug not been addressed or fixed for longer than a year or even longer. I really do enjoy this game, but I can't enjoy it if it won't even let me leave my house from Day 1 of year 1.
    • marlene1234

      marlene1234 Space Hobo

      I just downloaded this game from steam, version v1.3.28. I created the little character and thought it was hilarious. All ready to play. She's in bed in her little house. But I can't for the life of me figure out how to get her to DO anything, leave the house or move about. I should also mention I'm on windows 10.

      Is there a tutorial for dummys or something?! I managed to find the "Menu" by hitting "escape" on my keyboard. I Can use some of the keyboard controls and she moved a little, even got out of the bed once, but still how to leave the house, do anything, or play the game :eek:(. Is it possibly a "glitch" ? Please help!
      • marlene1234

        marlene1234 Space Hobo

        Alright, again I feel totally stupid but I figured it out! I realize this game probably wasn't created For windows 10. Right Click mouse (sorry but "menu" did not specify this) Then hold down "A" to move left, "S" to move down, "D" to move right, "W" to move up. She managed to leave the house that way. I have No idea if the OP has the same issue or a different glitch. But maybe this will help OP Or someone else, thanks.

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