I am a wHorrible "Husband" .. .. ...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rubicant1982, Mar 21, 2016.

  1. Rubicant1982

    Rubicant1982 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    So In this in most recent farm life (after restarting about 8 times or so) I finally decided to get married. Well I romanced all the singles both men and women because well I was making friends for the achievements... I decided that Sebastian was the guy for me, though I had given bouquets to Alex, Sebastian, and Sam... well! The night before the wedding I had 10 heart scenes with the three of them! So there I was "sleeping" with Sam, smooching with Alex in the back of the bar, and out on a midnight ride with Sebastian.... ... That was just umm strange lol but funny... and of course now I am going to finish the ladies and the other guy because I am a whorrible person! Sebby is already getting mad at me for giving people gifts... Really? *bleep* I give you a void egg every morning! The least I can do is give Harvey a Cup of Cofffee, Sam a Pizza, and Cook Alex a complete breakfast two times a week.

    I also think that Kent and Jodi are swingers... Just gonna put that out their!
    They invited me over for "fish" casserole the other night... hahaha

    I'm just waiting for the mod where I cam marry them all! Why? Because I want all of them to come to my "farm" hahaha
    • xnoirel

      xnoirel Big Damn Hero

      EEEEH they still get jealous now even after the patch!? Ack!
      • Rubicant1982

        Rubicant1982 Subatomic Cosmonaut

        When was the patch? This happened yesterday, so if it has changed sense then >.>
        • Lanx12

          Lanx12 Ketchup Robot

          They stil will get jealous its a way of life.

          @Rubicant1982 And your a Whorrible Husband ! Shame on you :p
            Rubicant1982 likes this.
          • Rubicant1982

            Rubicant1982 Subatomic Cosmonaut

            @Lanx12 at least it happened before I got married ... though I wont have a good excuse for the next 5 LOL
              Lanx12 likes this.
            • Lanx12

              Lanx12 Ketchup Robot

              Just say you drank to much. Always the best line X3
                Rubicant1982 likes this.
              • Caudyr

                Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

                "I WAS DRUNK, I DON'T REMEMBER A THING!"

                ...worst excuse ever. :(
                  Rubicant1982 likes this.
                • Rubicant1982

                  Rubicant1982 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  I still want a Poly mod! :3 I want to bring all the boys home with me :3 well maybe not Harvey... he is kinda ... yea ... >.>
                  OH Harvey.....
                  • Haebaragi

                    Haebaragi Weight of the Sky

                    You're not alone. I refrained from marrying anyone and got all the candidates up to 8 hearts and gave them all bouquets.

                    I'm starting a harem.
                      Rubicant1982 likes this.
                    • Rubicant1982

                      Rubicant1982 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                      yesss! :)
                      • Lanx12

                        Lanx12 Ketchup Robot

                        We can all live that hopeful dream. One day...the Harem dream shall come to pass.
                          Rubicant1982 likes this.
                        • Sevidra

                          Sevidra Existential Complex

                          Life Goal: Get all the singles (male and female) up to 8 hearts and get it on... before getting married.

                            Lanx12 and Rubicant1982 like this.
                          • Caudyr

                            Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

                            I refused to give the males bouquets, heck none of them are even CLOSE to 8 hearts and i'm 1/2 through year 2. :rofl:

                            I speak to them when I see them, but other than that...NOPE NOPE NOPE! :p
                            • Rubicant1982

                              Rubicant1982 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                              You sir need to expand your uh mind :D
                              If it is good enough for Sparta!
                                Lanx12 likes this.
                              • Lanx12

                                Lanx12 Ketchup Robot

                                This is Stardew !!! -dramatic pose in a speedo-
                                ...-waits for comebacks-
                                  Rubicant1982 likes this.
                                • Rubicant1982

                                  Rubicant1982 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                  • Caudyr

                                    Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

                                    Aahahahahahaha I'm waiting for hte full Spartan character sprites/portraits mods for the game. :rofl:
                                      Rubicant1982 likes this.
                                    • Trifoilum

                                      Trifoilum Cosmic Narwhal

                                      ....I applaud your charm.

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