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RELEASED Hydrostation 2.7

Custom & Nilla Liquid Mixing/Tanks/Grenades

  1. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Seems you have a bad link for your external download. Getting a 403 (permissions error).
  2. rooboodude

    rooboodude Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It would appear the most current link is broken. I've signed up for a dropbox in case it was an access issue, but you've got the download locked down to yourself.
  3. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

  4. rooboodude

    rooboodude Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Problem fixed. Thanks for the timely response!
  5. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

  6. Starreaper

    Starreaper Void-Bound Voyager


    hey bud.
    first off the bat = great mod, altho the super-nades are a bit much

    2nd altho im prob being a pain in the backside...but
    is there a possibility you could do a version of this mod with just
    the normal water, magma and tar grenades ?

    if there isn't could you give me a hand with which files to remove from the mod?
    as every time i try to remove ... the starnades (for example), i keep messing the mod up :(
    (i'd like to keep the acid, water, magma, and tar granades in)
  7. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

    Thanks Im glad you like the mod

    The supers are more for creating lakes oceans or waterfalls and stuff

    Yea I can ill do that and try a few others its needed more of an update and i think i might go away from bombs cause tbh the dozers are perfect to landscape
  8. Starreaper

    Starreaper Void-Bound Voyager

    i had a feeling the super-nades was for that
    (i was planning to try make a waterfall -ish looking patch under a bridge)
    but was becoming a pain trying to have it only fall in at least 5 squares worth...

    but all the same thanks dude :), and sorry for being a pain in the ass :p
  9. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

    not even im glad you like them and am happy to make a slim version of the nades np

    did you want all listed above w no super

    or all listed above w supers
    Starreaper likes this.
  10. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

    Sorry i missed it when u posted it np anytimes =D
  11. Starreaper

    Starreaper Void-Bound Voyager

    sorry for the delay, =/.... was out of town for a few days

    yes please just the hydro, magma and tar,
    if thats not a problem :)

    (not sure if you can),
    but maybe you could try a 2nd download link for the Terra-nades (Lite Edition)
    that way, my request doesn't end up screwing anything up for the peeps who are after the Terra-nades (Full Edition)

    actually with that idea (the full and lite editions),
    hows this idea sound to you ?

    Lite Edition - As all the Terra-nades (normal)
    Full Edition - As all the Terra-nades (normal + super) = This being your mod before i requested this :p

    "" who knows... altho it may mean more work, having to upload another version of the mod and updates for the 2 sets of the mod, you might get double the number of people downloading the mod / 's :) ""
  12. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

    sounds great will do and ill just have an alt link on the bottom of the regular for the lite version
  13. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

    Starreaper likes this.
  14. stardust7671

    stardust7671 Pangalactic Porcupine

    my game keeps saying terragrenades is in a later version even though im using terragrenades lite
  15. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

    ty ima forgot to change that part
  16. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

  17. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

  18. Imblazed247

    Imblazed247 Ketchup Robot

    Should be all good sorry for overlooking that
  19. Starreaper

    Starreaper Void-Bound Voyager

    thanks for doing the request bro,
    ive been unable to test it out on my pc, but ill hit you up and let you know how things go, soon as i get back home
  20. Ghostlychap

    Ghostlychap Space Hobo

    Hey I was interested in altering the amount of liquid a given 'nade generates, but cant seem to find the right value i need to change. changing the value on the category "quantity", even changing it drastically, makes no difference.

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