Thank you very much Pathoschild! The Mod Seed Bag ( is giving the following error: [11:40:07 TRACE SMAPI] Seed Bag uses deprecated code (IReflectionHelper.GetPrivate* is deprecated since SMAPI 2.3). Since this mod is all but essential, if someone could fix that so it no longer uses deprecated code that would be amazing. There is also a bug in it that allows you to put tree seeds into it but that's beyond the scope of this thread, but I'd mention it just in case.
@BaconCatBug No worries, that code will continue working until SMAPI 3.0 (which is still a long way off). If the mod hasn't been updated by then, I'll update it.
Hey! I just noticed that Siv's Marriage Mod is now Open Source (they have no plans on updating it), would it be possible to jury rig it just to make it playable?
@Jokerine Thanks for pointing out the permission clause. Unfortunately that doesn't cover updating and redistributing the mod itself, and the code isn't openly available.
@Lajna Pet Enhancements causes a repeating SMAPI error, lags and makes the game go unresponsive if used in a new game where you don't yet have a pet. It occurs with no other mods installed, but when I went on a farm that does have a pet, no error happened. Here is my log
As per the wiki I am posting my update here. I have updated CJB's Cheat menu based on a request for increased fruit tree production. I've also sent in a pull request. (As long as I did it right lol)
@Mizzion Thanks! I merged your changes into the next CJB Cheats Menu release. This thread is intended for unofficial fixes when a mod stops working in the latest versions though.
@medoli900 Thanks! For the unofficial update, could you change the version to 1.2.3-medoli900-update? That way, players using it will be notified if there's an official 1.2.3 update.
@Pathoschild I launch SMAPI and find a strange message log. This doesn't affect anything, but I still feel confused that I don't find any mods meeting this version. I search all mods I used , but no manifest.json tell this 1.6.8h version. [SMAPI] System.FormatException: The input '1.6.8h' isn't a valid semantic versio n. at StardewModdingAPI.Common.SemanticVersionImpl..ctor(String version) in C:\s ource\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI.Common\SemanticVersionImpl.cs:line 75 at StardewModdingAPI.SemanticVersion..ctor(String version) in C:\source\_Star dew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\SemanticVersion.cs:line 50 at StardewModdingAPI.Program.<>c__DisplayClass26_0.<CheckForUpdatesAsync>b__0 () in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Program.cs:line 620
@Pathoschild Yeah,Your reply gives me the answer. [22:49:26 TRACE SMAPI] Longevity (Nexus:649): update error: Mod has invalid semantic version '1.6.8h'. But this doesn't solve my confusion , where is the 'h' in manifest ?I just find 1.6.8 version. Here is the information from Longevity Mod json. { "Name": "Longevity", "Author": "RTGOAT", "Version": { "MajorVersion": 1, "MinorVersion": 6, "PatchVersion": 8, "Build": "" }, "Description": "Platform that will be used to continually add longevity to the game.", "UniqueID": "RTGOAT.Longevity", "PerSaveConfigs": false, "EntryDll": "Longevity.dll" }
I do believe that this may be the source of the problem... ^ As you can see, the mod author has the current version set to 1.6.8h, even if the manifest may not reflect it.
@genman That error shouldn't happen, since SMAPI has a special rule to fix Longevity's version. Can you upload your SMAPI log and post the link here?
@Pathoschild Here is my uploaded SMAPI log I suppose that it is not my local mod problem , since I check its detail 1.6.8 . But on Nexus site , the latest version is 1.6.8h.
Does anyone know how to update the mod "PierreGeneralStoreMod"? I went into this website "https : / / / compat" to find newer versions of it, but i can't seem to find it at all nor was i able to find it in NexusMods.