Modding Help How to update mods for SMAPI 2.0

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Jul 3, 2017.

  1. ddgroves

    ddgroves Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Compatibility update for RiseAndShine.
      Pathoschild and HopeWasHere like this.
    • julianorc

      julianorc Big Damn Hero

      Just installed the Tree Overhaul and SMAPI give me that...

      [SMAPI] Faster Paths failed on entry and might not work correctly. Technical details:
      Failed loading type 'Entoarox.Framework.IModHelperExtensions': System.TypeLoadException: Não foi possível carregar o tipo Entoarox.Framework.IModHelperExtensions do assembly EntoaroxFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null.
      em Entoarox.FasterPaths.FasterPaths.Entry(IModHelper helper)
      em StardewModdingAPI.Program.LoadMods(IModMetadata[] mods, JsonHelper jsonHelper, SContentManager contentManager) na C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Program.cs:linha 808
      • Pathoschild

        Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

      • Pathoschild

        Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

        @ddgroves Thanks! The official version of Rise And Shine is at 1.1, but your update is 1.0.1-*. Can you change your version number to 1.1.1-whisk-update to avoid confusion?
        • ddgroves

          ddgroves Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          Sorry, I didn't catch that. I will fix it!

          Edit: Pathoschild, can you please fix the link of the wiki, it will not let me change it. I tried to but it saying the my actions are "automatically identified as harmful, and therefore disallowed" when all I am trying to do is change the link.

            Attached Files:

            Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
          • Pathoschild

            Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

          • julianorc

            julianorc Big Damn Hero

            Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
          • Pathoschild

            Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

            @julianorc A few suggested fixes:
            1. Remove the CFAutomate mod (it's no longer compatible).
            2. Update to Advanced Location Loader 1.3.6+.
            3. Update to XNB Loader 1.1.9+.
            4. Delete your TreeOverhaul/config.json (your current file is broken; deleting it will regenerate a working version).
            Then try loading the game. If you're still getting errors, post your latest SMAPI log again. :)
              julianorc likes this.
            • Lajna

              Lajna Seal Broken

              I updated the PetEnhancment mod to SMAPI 2.2

                Attached Files:

                HopeWasHere and Pathoschild like this.
              • LegendDarkness9

                LegendDarkness9 Big Damn Hero

                Asking as a user here, would it be possible to update the No Friendship Decay mod:
                Its horribly out of date, but as far as i can see (with my very limited experience), there are just two lines of deprecated code and i havent found a replacement beside a cheat mod.
                [22:17:09 ERROR SMAPI] Skipped 1 mods:
                [22:17:09 ERROR SMAPI] No Friendship Decay 1.1 because it's no longer compatible (detected StardewModdingAPI.Events.TimeEvents.DayOfMonthChanged event). Please check for a newer version of the mod.
                • Pathoschild

                  Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                • LegendDarkness9

                  LegendDarkness9 Big Damn Hero

                  @Pathoschild Thanks for the answer. I tried to compile the updated version myself but couldn't get Stardew Modding to work with Visual Studio 2017. So for clarification: I need to create a c# class, set .net to 4.5 and reference the nuget package, right? Afterwards i just have to code and can compile the mod?. Because i had problems with the xna assembly, it says that is not referenced.
                  Sorry if it is the wrong thread for this.

                  Edit: Worked fine on my second computer. Strange. Going to rewrite the code a bit and trying to ask the original creator for permission to publish it.

                  Edit2: The Author was last loged in 1 and a half years ago, might publish it with the note that he can ask me to take it down at any time.
                    Last edited: Dec 17, 2017
                  • Pathoschild

                    Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                  • LegendDarkness9

                    LegendDarkness9 Big Damn Hero

                    I will release the update once I tested it (no timetable on that, depends on how much time I have).
                    Fun Fact: Version 1.0 and 1.1 of that mod are identical (or at least the given source code is).
                    Concerning conflicts with unoffical updates: considering I only have the source file from the archive, the only thing I can do (and will do of course) is posting notices both in the original thread and on nexus and send the author a message.
                    • LegendDarkness9

                      LegendDarkness9 Big Damn Hero

                      I have uploaded the mod so that somebody can test it, because I both lack the means and the will to test it properly. I have just started playing Stardew Valley for the first time and as a result of this I lack a savegame that is advanced enough to test the mod and finally, I just want to play the game.

                      Testing should be relativly easy, because a known bug that I cant fix is, that the mod runs on loading a save, and acting as if you talked to nobody that day.
                      For everybody in your friendlist the mod checks in the following order (beside that you havent talked to them):
                      If the person is your spouse
                      If you are dating that person and below 10 stars
                      If the person is dateable and below 8 stars
                      If the person is not datable and below 10 stars

                      If the mod reverses friendship decay it will tell you for which person and what they are in relationship to you (spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, ...)
                      If somebody could test if the mod works as intended and tell me it would be nice and I could finally publish it.

                      Link to mod:
                      • Pathoschild

                        Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                        @LegendDarkness9 I created a Git repo with the original versions and your changes, refactored the code a bit, and reworked the logic to reverse decay before save instead of when a new day starts (to avoid incorrect friendship boosts). I released that version as an unofficial update and updated the list. Thanks!

                        • Damon丶墨雪尘

                          Damon丶墨雪尘 Intergalactic Tourist

                          • BaconCatBug

                            BaconCatBug Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            Anyone here willing to quickly migrate a mod? as far as I can tell it only needs the config edited but I don't know personally how to do it. I dunno how to change the override methods into what SMAPI wants now
                              nekoCrimson likes this.
                            • Pathoschild

                              Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                            • Pathoschild

                              Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                              HopeWasHere likes this.

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