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Server Discussion How to: Set up a linux server on ubuntu

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by sovredcat, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. cavelurker

    cavelurker Space Spelunker

    No that error is because he's trying to run 64bit starbound on a 32bit host OS, or vice versa. I did that misstake too.
  2. sovredcat

    sovredcat Big Damn Hero

    Makes sense, glad you figured it out!
  3. Stanlee

    Stanlee Space Hobo

    Hey man!
    I'm following your linux server guide since i've never used Linux and I accidentally purchased from a Linux only VPN company!
    I was wondering if you could help me out a bit!
    When I open my console I get this message: http://tinypic.com/r/29ylbiv/5

    And the next thing is, after I download the files for the Linux SteamCMD, i transfer the whole folder into my server and after that all I need to do is follow the steps you mentioned on the post?
    So right after I download SteamCMD and after the whole folder is already on my server all i need to do is execute the commands you've posted?
    Or is there something else I need to do before I execute those commands ?
  4. Synatic

    Synatic Space Spelunker

    @Stanlee: His instructions include getting the right files into the right folder and executing them in the right order, just follow suit from step 1, looking at the terminal pic i got to say it looks like a plain installation error, try redownloading PuTTy(simple terminal client via SSH) and execute that, that worked for me with given tutorial

    @sovredcat : I can not tell you how much i appreciate what you did here, it helped me out a great deal since it was my first linux expierience, just wanted to give you my warmest regards.
  5. sovredcat

    sovredcat Big Damn Hero

    Thanks, I'll see if I can make it even more noob friendly. Admittedly I haven't spelled checked or followed my own tutorial to make sure everything is working :p - but it should!
  6. sovredcat

    sovredcat Big Damn Hero

    First post has been updated to be even more noob friendly.

    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
  7. cavelurker

    cavelurker Space Spelunker

    An easier way to show online players is
    tab0reqq likes this.
  8. sovredcat

    sovredcat Big Damn Hero

    Woot awesome! I'll update the post :)
  9. +DS_DV+

    +DS_DV+ Void-Bound Voyager

    So something new ?

    Someone figuert out how to set Password and change user Number ?

    i get how to set pw if you host server local but on my linux dedicated he dont 'eat' the new config :/

    with best +DS_DV+
  10. cavelurker

    cavelurker Space Spelunker

  11. sovredcat

    sovredcat Big Damn Hero

    I've been editing "starbound.config" inside /home/steam/starbound/linux64 and it works.
  12. Dr. Epa

    Dr. Epa Space Spelunker

    If you have problems starting the SteamCMD on a linux 64 bit because it says

    ./starbound_server: 1: ./starbound_server:ELF: not found
    or similiar problems when runing ./starbound.sh

    apt-get install lib32gcc1
    You should now be able to run SteamCMD
  13. sovredcat

    sovredcat Big Damn Hero

    Thanks, very helpful.
  14. Ikornaselur

    Ikornaselur Space Spelunker

    I'm experiencing the same.. it's been running for 30 minutes and is now at 0.20%! The VPS is able to download up to 9MB/s from other servers, I was even able to test it while the steamcmd is running.. this is painfully slow. It seems to be literally running at 1-2 KB/s.

    Has anyone encountered the same issue and found a solution?
  15. Clinton

    Clinton Zero Gravity Genie

    Sometimes the steam servers can be under heavy load or the VPS just has a bad connection to the mirror you're downloading from.
  16. sovredcat

    sovredcat Big Damn Hero

    I have the same issue every patch despite having a 100mbit line, but it will pick up after a while. It's just the Steam servers being under heavy load I guess.
  17. Kainzo

    Kainzo Intergalactic Tourist

    Thanks for posting this btw ;)
  18. cpm

    cpm Aquatic Astronaut

    Hi all,
    I have a VPS running on CentOS, and I'm having trouble downloading Starbound using SteamCMD
    After login and set up install dir, I enter "app_update 211820", then this prints around 60 times:

    App state (0x10102) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)

    Then, the following errors:

    Error! App '211820' state is 0x1 after update job.

    How should I do? Please help.
  19. smithkevinc

    smithkevinc Void-Bound Voyager

    I had to modify the directions to get it to work for me. I believe my error was a little different, but it may be the same issue.

    force_install_dir ./starbound didn't work for me.
    force_install_dir /home/steam/starbound (or whatever is your full path)
  20. Ribesg

    Ribesg Void-Bound Voyager

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