Modding Help How to make own custom shop? and how to add my custom mod items in there?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Kentyark, Mar 11, 2018.

  1. Kentyark

    Kentyark Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hi, fellas.
    I'm making some object mod. And, I want put them in m' custom shop. But I have some problems here.
    ... and this is the problem. I can't see my items in here.

    And.. this is my code.. thing.

    "objectName" : "ArtyomShopVan",
    "colonyTags" : ["crafting"],
    "rarity" : "Uncommon",
    "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface",
    "interactData" : {
    "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingmerchant.config",
    "paneLayoutOverride" : {
    "windowtitle" : {
    "title" : " Merchant's Van",
    "subtitle" : " Post-apoc clothes and objects",
    "icon" : {
    "file" : "/interface/crafting/craftingmerchant.png"
    "filter" : [ "ArtyomShopVan" ]
    "printable" : true,
    "description" : "Post-Apoc Merchant's Van.",
    "shortdescription" : "Merchant's Van",
    "race" : "generic",
    "category" : "crafting",
    "price" : 400,

    "apexDescription" : "This is merchant's Van. It will be helpful.",
    "avianDescription" : "look at this! I finally found merchant.",
    "floranDescription" : "Sssmells funny.",
    "glitchDescription" : "Interested. This is merchant's vehicle. I can make and some of decorative objects.",
    "humanDescription" : "It's merchant's Van. Survivors like this... and me, too. I can make some decorative objects.",
    "hylotlDescription" : "Human merchant's wheeled vehicle.",
    "novakidDescription": "It's like a wheeled horse... with some junks and supplies.",

    "inventoryIcon" : "ShopVanIcon.png",
    "orientations" : [
    "image" : "ShopVan.png",
    "imagePosition" : [-40, 0],
    "direction" : "left",
    "flipImages" : true,

    "spaceScan" : 0.1,
    "anchors" : [ "bottom" ],
    "collision" : "platform",
    "collisionSpaces" : [ [-5, 1], [-4, 2], [-3, 3], [-2, 4], [-1, 4], [0, 4], [1, 4], [2, 4], [3, 4] ]
    "image" : "ShopVan.png",
    "imagePosition" : [-40, 0],
    "direction" : "right",

    "spaceScan" : 0.1,
    "anchors" : [ "bottom" ],
    "collision" : "platform",
    "collisionSpaces" : [ [4, 1], [3, 2], [2, 3], [1, 4], [0, 4], [-1, 4], [-2, 4], [-3, 4], [-4, 4] ]

    And this is my object mods' location, and file names.

    what the hell is problem?
  2. slowcold

    slowcold Pangalactic Porcupine

    At first look:

    "filter" : [ "ArtyomShopVan" ]

    Do the items you want your merchant to sell have that group in their item file? If not, they won't show up.

    If you don't want to do a crapload of patching, you can hardcode the items for sale into the list - look at the ursa miner shop for an example (with conditionals, if you want the shop to level with your character!)
  3. Kentyark

    Kentyark Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thx, mate. I'll try that out.
  4. Kentyark

    Kentyark Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Good, lord. Now this is being damn perfectly green thing. What is going on
  5. DrPvtSkittles

    DrPvtSkittles Master Astronaut

    When the game can't find the item/object you wish to spawn, it will spawn the Perfectly Generic Item instead. When in doubt :

    Check your log file. Its called starbound.log (no numbers)
    You can paste it here using
  6. slowcold

    slowcold Pangalactic Porcupine

    Probably a spelling mistake. Easy enough done - the game is incredibly fussy about names.

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