Due to making a own boss, I'm trying to read unpacked assets, like /behaviors/monsters/boss/*/*.behavior. But, I stumble at reading JSON(*.behavior) of included Behavior Tree. I think reading (and making) the nested tree structure in JSON is too difficult for a human being. Don't you know the helper tool of editing Behavior Tree in Starbound? Thanks,
The only thing i can think of is a program akin to notepad ++, this will make the structure easier to read.
IHart, I appreciate your replying! I already use Visual Studio Code, like notepad++, to read/write some JSON files. But I think it makes painful user experience . I guess Starbond's developers have a in-house tools with defining Behavior Tree, or use third party tools like a Tiled. I want to know the best practices for such a thing. Thanks, ---- In fact `*.animation` files are hard to read too .
For reading and editing behavior trees we use https://github.com/Healthire/behavior3editor nodes.json for importing nodes can be found at: http://playstarbound.com/healthires-folder/nodes.json
Healthire, I MADE IT I could read files of `*.behavior` with using `Healthire/behavior3editor` and your nodes.json. Have a nice day for development!