Ok, I've made a new boss, made the item to summon it, but he recipe for the item won't appear! Here is my code for the recipe. Code: { "input" : [ { "item" : "money", "count" : 5000 } ], "output" : { "item" : "mothershipbeacon", "count" : 1 }, "groups" : [ "metalworkstation", "objects", "tools", "all" ] } This should work, right? Yes, I put this under objects/boss, and yes I also tried putting it in \recipes\tier1\metalworkstation, but to no avail. Any suggestions?
Would probably be useful if you posted the core code for the monster etc too? Have you tried making the boss a normal mob? Seeing if it spawns naturally?
ok, will post code, but idk if that will matter, seeing as how the item would work without the monster.
Code: { "type" : "Mothership", "categories" : [ "penguinUfo" ], "parts" : [ "ufo", "pilot" ], "animation" : "penguinUfo.animation", "projectiles" : "/monsters/unique/penguinUfo/projectiles.config", "colors" : "/monsters/colors.config", "reversed" : true, "dropPools" : [ "boss4Treasure" ], "baseParameters" : { "scripts" : [ "/monsters/unique/Mothership/behavior.lua", "/monsters/stateMachine.lua", "/monsters/util.lua", "/monsters/vec2.lua" ], "scriptDelta" : 5, "metaBoundBox" : [-14.0, -4.0, 14.0, 4.0], "scale" : 1.0, "movementSettings" : { "collisionPoly" : [ [-14.0, -4.0], [14.0, -4.0], [14.0, 4.0], [-14.0, 4.0] ], "mass" : 1.0, "walkSpeed" : 2, "runSpeed" : 2, "jumpSpeed" : 5, "flySpeed" : 50, "airForce" : 100.0 }, "bodyMaterialKind" : "organic", "knockoutTime" : 1, "knockoutEffect" : "blink", "deathParticles" : "deathPoof", "deathNoise" : [ ], "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], "touchDamage" : { "poly" : [ [-14.0, -4.0], [14.0, -4.0], [14.0, 4.0], [-14.0, 4.0] ], "damage" : 10, "teamType" : "enemy", "damageSourceKind" : "bite", "statusEffects" : [ ] }, "statusParameters" : { "baseMaxHealth" : 5000, "baseMaxEnergy" : 300000, "bodyMaterialKind" : "organic", "damageConfig" : "/monsters/unique/penguinUfo/damage.config" }, "inateStatusEffects" : [ { "kind" : "Protection", "amount" : 1.0 } ], "mouthOffset" : [0, 0], "feetOffset" : [0, -8], "beamSourceOffset" : [0, -5.5], "targetYOffsetRange" : [18.0, 22.0], "moveUpBlockedRegions" : [ [ -14.0, 4.0, -4.0, 5.0 ], [ -4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 5.0 ], [ 4.0, 4.0, 14.0, 5.0 ] ], "slamAttackBlockedRegions" : [ [ -14.0, -6.0, -4.0, -4.0 ], [ -4.0, -6.0, 4.0, -4.0 ], [ 4.0, -6.0, 14.0, -4.0 ] ] } }
Did you add the recipe to your player.config file? An option I've been using for testing is to make the recipe a campfire or stonefurnace recipe. Put "stonefurnace" in the groups of your recipe and then you can just put the 5000 pixels into the furnace and hit smelt.
Ok, so I did that, but it still wont work I have no clue... Here is my player.config: Code: { "defaultHumanoidIdentity" : { "gender" : "Male", "hairType" : "male2", "color" : [51, 117, 237, 255] }, "species" : [ "human", "glitch", "hylotl", "apex", "avian", "floran" ], "humanoidTiming" : { // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink Eat Sleep // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1.0], "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] }, "defaultItems" : [ ], "tierBlueprintsUnlockedMessage" : "New blueprints have been unlocked.", "blueprintOnPickupMessage" : "New blueprint available.", "defaultBlueprints" : { "tier1" : [ { "item" : "copperarmorhead" }, { "item" : "copperarmorchest" }, { "item" : "copperarmorpants" }, { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial" }, { "item" : "yarnspinner" }, { "item" : "campfire" }, { "item" : "platform" }, { "item" : "torch" }, { "item" : "woodencraftingtable1" }, { "item" : "fence" }, { "item" : "stoneaxe" }, { "item" : "stonehoe" }, { "item" : "stonepickaxe" }, { "item" : "woodenbed" }, { "item" : "woodenchair" }, { "item" : "woodencrate1" }, { "item" : "woodencrate2" }, { "item" : "woodendoor" }, { "item" : "woodengate" }, { "item" : "woodsupport" }, { "item" : "woodtable" }, { "item" : "woodenstonefurnacetable" }, { "item" : "tier1chair" }, { "item" : "tier1door" }, { "item" : "tier1light" }, { "item" : "tier1switch" }, { "item" : "tier1bed" }, { "item" : "ironanvil" }, { "item" : "ironblock" }, { "item" : "cobblestonebrick" }, { "item" : "ironbeacon" }, { "item" : "copperpickaxe" }, { "item" : "silverpickaxe" }, { "item" : "goldpickaxe" }, { "item" : "platinumpickaxe" }, { "item" : "diamondpickaxe" }, { "item" : "stonefurnace" }, { "item" : "glassmaterial" }, { "item" : "woodenwindow1" }, { "item" : "woodenwindow2" }, { "item" : "woodencookingtable" }, { "item" : "fabric" }, { "item" : "packeddirt" }, { "item" : "metalworkstation" }, { "item" : "reddye" }, { "item" : "bluedye" }, { "item" : "yellowdye" }, { "item" : "tier2engine" }, { "item" : "bow" }, { "item" : "ironbow" }, { "item" : "bandage" }, { "item" : "snowinfantryhead" }, { "item" : "snowinfantrychest" }, { "item" : "snowinfantrypants" }, { "item" : "huntingknife" }, { "item" : "climbingrope" }, { "item" : "ultimateboost" }, { "item" : "generatedshield", "count" : 1, "data" : { "definition" : "startershield", "level" : 1 } } ], "tier2" : [ { "item" : "steelbar" }, { "item" : "mediummetal" }, { "item" : "chain" }, { "item" : "roboticcraftingtable" }, { "item" : "refinery" }, { "item" : "steelbow" }, { "item" : "tier2chair" }, { "item" : "tier2door" }, { "item" : "tier2light" }, { "item" : "tier2switch" }, { "item" : "tier2bed" }, { "item" : "goldarmorchest" }, { "item" : "goldarmorhead" }, { "item" : "goldarmorpants" }, { "item" : "brainextractor" }, { "item" : "artificialbrain" }, { "item" : "robothead" }, { "item" : "robotchest" }, { "item" : "robotlegs" }, { "item" : "robotarms" }, { "item" : "tier3engine" }, { "item" : "spawnerguard" }, { "item" : "robot" } ], "tier3" : [ { "item" : "composite01material" }, { "item" : "painttool" }, { "item" : "wiretool" }, { "item" : "tier3chair" }, { "item" : "tier3door" }, { "item" : "tier3light" }, { "item" : "tier3switch" }, { "item" : "tier3bed" }, { "item" : "platinumarmorhead" }, { "item" : "platinumarmorchest" }, { "item" : "platinumarmorpants" }, { "item" : "decoyprincess" }, { "item" : "mothershipbeacon" } ], "level31" : [ { "item" : "durasteelbar" }, { "item" : "tier4chair" }, { "item" : "tier4door" }, { "item" : "tier4light" }, { "item" : "tier4switch" }, { "item" : "tier4bed" }, { "item" : "techupgrade32" } ], "level32" : [ { "item" : "tier5chair" }, { "item" : "tier5door" }, { "item" : "tier5light" }, { "item" : "tier5switch" }, { "item" : "tier5bed" }, { "item" : "techupgrade33" } ], "level33" : [ { "item" : "Feroziumbar" }, { "item" : "tier6chair" }, { "item" : "tier6door" }, { "item" : "tier6light" }, { "item" : "tier6switch" }, { "item" : "tier6bed" }, { "item" : "techupgrade34" } ], "level34" : [ { "item" : "tier7chair" }, { "item" : "tier7door" }, { "item" : "tier7light" }, { "item" : "tier7switch" }, { "item" : "tier7bed" }, { "item" : "techupgrade35" } ], "level35" : [ { "item" : "Violiumbar" }, { "item" : "tier8chair" }, { "item" : "tier8door" }, { "item" : "tier8light" }, { "item" : "tier8switch" }, { "item" : "tier8bed" }, { "item" : "techupgrade36" } ], "level36" : [ { "item" : "tier9chair" }, { "item" : "tier9door" }, { "item" : "tier9light" }, { "item" : "tier9switch" }, { "item" : "tier9bed" }, { "item" : "techupgrade37" } ], "level37" : [ { "item" : "imperviumbar" }, { "item" : "tier10chair" }, { "item" : "tier10door" }, { "item" : "tier10light" }, { "item" : "tier10switch" }, { "item" : "tier10bed" } ] }, "visibleRect" : [-1.0, -2.5, 1.0, 1.75], "techControllerSettings" : { "baseMovementParameters" : { "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -1], [0.35, -0.5], [-0.35, -0.5], [-0.75, -1] ], "airFriction" : 0.2, "mass" : 0.6, // should keep the player from teleporting through walls "maximumCorrection" : 1, "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4 } }, "maxHealth" : 100.0, "maxEnergy" : 100.0, "maxFood" : 100.0, "maxBreath" : 100.0, "energyReplenishmentRate" : 10.0, "foodDepletionRate" : 0.0425, "breathReplenishmentRate" : 20, "breathDepletionRate" : 2, "lightStrength" : 1.0, "footstepTiming" : 0.35, "footstepSensor" : [0, -3.1], "fallDamageFactor" : 1.0, "minimumFallTime" : 1.0, "maxFallTimeFactor" : 1.0, "minimumFallSpeed" : -2.0, "vaporTrailTime" : 10, "terminalVelocityDifference" : 1.01, "interactRadius" : 5.5, "walkIntoInteractBias" : [1, 0], "initialBeamGunRadius" : 15.5, "previewGlowBorder" : 2, "objectPreviewInnerAlpha" : 0.8, "objectPreviewOuterAlpha" : 0.2, "beamGunSettings" : { "image" : "/humanoid/any/gravgun1.png", "endImages" : [ "/humanoid/any/ball.png", "/humanoid/any/tileglow.png", "/humanoid/any/4tileglow.png" ], "handPosition" : [-2, 0], "firePosition" : [5, 0], "segmentsPerUnit" : 1, "nearControlPointElasticity" : 0.1, "farControlPointElasticity" : 0.9, "nearControlPointDistance" : 0.9, "targetSegmentRun" : 1, "innerBrightnessScale" : 20, "firstStripeThickness" : 0.2, "secondStripeThickness" : 0.05, "minBeamWidth" : 1, "maxBeamWidth" : 5, "maxBeamJitter" : 0.06, "minBeamJitter" : 0.0, "minBeamTrans" : 0.1, "maxBeamTrans" : 0.4, "minBeamLines" : 1, "maxBeamLines" : 5 }, "underwaterSensor" : [0.0, 0.5], "underwaterMinWaterLevel" : 0.4, "splashConfig" : { "splashSpeedMin" : 10.0, "splashMinWaterLevel" : 0.4, "splashBottomSensor" : [0, -2.0], "splashTopSensor" : [0, 2.0], "numSplashParticles" : 8, "splashYVelocityFactor" : 0.2, "splashParticle" : { "type" : "ember", "position" : [0, -1], "finalVelocity" : [0, -20], "approach" : [0, 50], "color" : [60, 150, 224, 100], "size" : 1.0, "timeToLive" : 0.5, "destructionAction" : "shrink", "destructionTime" : 0.2 }, "splashParticleVariance" : { "velocity" : [10, 0], "size" : 2.0 } }, "teleportInTime" : 1.0, "teleportInBase" : "/humanoid/any/playerwarpin.png", "teleportInBeam" : "/humanoid/any/playerwarpinbeam.png", "teleportInFrames" : 16, "teleportOutTime" : 0.75, "teleportOutBase" : "/humanoid/any/playerwarpout.png", "teleportOutBeam" : "/humanoid/any/playerwarpoutbeam.png", "teleportOutFrames" : 12, "teleportHeight" : 43.0, "teleportBeamHeight" : 8, "teleportTallness" : 30, // 50mins @ 5C = 15000sec/1C "warmthTransferRate" : 1000.0, "warmthTransferRateCap" : 1000.0, "comfortRegen" : 2.0, "bodyTemperatureRangeLow" : [5, 99999], "windChillFactor" : 10, "idealTemperature" : 25, "maxOverlayPercent" : 0.8, "freezeOverlayColor" : [175, 175, 255], "nametagOpacityRate" : 0.01, "nametagOffset" : [0, 2], "nametagColor" : "white", "nametagFontSize" : 7, "nametagOpacityBoost" : 3, "emoteCooldown" : 2, "blinkInterval" : [5, 30], "damageConfig" : "/damage/damageresponse/default.config", "bodyMaterialKind" : "organic", "reviveCost" : { "absolute" : 0, "percentile" : 0 } }
ok, I just searched for the mothership beacon duplicate, and there is none. however, if you mean the decoy beacon, its called ironbeacon.
Alright sorry bout my previous post I overlooked something. I'm going to test something right now if it works ill post the files.
Place this code is ../common/Starbound/assets/recipes/starter/crafting_table As the file name: "ironbeacon2.recipe" This name doens't matter if you change it but remember it because we need it for the next part. Code: { "input" : [ { "item" : "money", "count" : 5000 } ], "output" : { "item" : "ironbeacon", "count" : 1 }, "groups" : [ "craftingtable", "objects", "tools", "all" ] } Next place this code. Code: { "objectName" : "ironanvil", "objectType" : "interactable", "category" : "crafting", "rarity" : "Common", "description" : "An anvil, used for forging armour and weapons.", "shortdescription" : "Iron Anvil", "race" : "generic", "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", "interactData" : { "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/anvil.config", "filter" : [ "anvil" ] }, "printable" : false, "price" : "100", "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "ironbeacon2" ], "apexDescription" : "An anvil. The Apex haven't used these for metalwork for a long, long time.", "avianDescription" : "A large slab of iron with a flat surface.", "floranDescription" : "Very heavy, usseful in a trap.", "glitchDescription" : "Educate. The Glitch craft all sorts of weapons on these anvils. They even craft anvils on these anvils.", "humanDescription" : "An anvil. Humans haven't used these since early in their history.", "hylotlDescription" : "Probably used in metal work.", "inventoryIcon" : "ironanvilicon.png", "orientations" : [ { "dualImage" : "ironanvil.png:<color>", "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], "frames" : 1, "animationCycle" : 1.0, "spaceScan" : 0.1, "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] } ] } In the "../common/Starbound/assets/object/generic/ironavil/ironanvil.object" file. Just copy paste the whole thing so you don't screw up the commas. After that it should be added to the game. Note that I added a piece of code so that you obtain the blueprint if you pick up a new iron anvil. So craft an anvil and check the recipe. Now if you want to make sure every new character that is created also gets this recipe add the code in the following file. Code: { "item" : "ironbeacon2" }, Add this somewhere in between the items in file ../common/Starbound/assets/player.config Will edit in screen shot so wait a minute.
Here is the screen shot for when you need to edit the player.config I might be wrong on the part that only newly created characters get those blueprints. It might also be the case that these blueprints get added automatically on startup or smth. http://imgur.com/FC8POfX Let me know if it works and if you need further help.