make a simple gift box(presume you know at this point the small basic that are extracting the .pak file and manipulate files) #1 we need all the files in starboundsasset\items\active\unsorted\rewardbag\ #2 create the a folder with all the same path as this ----->>>> MyMod\items\active\unsorted\rewardbag\ copy and paste the file needed #3 rename files rewardbag.activeitem to mygift.activeitem rewardbag.animation to mygift.animation rewardbag.lua to mygift.lua rewardbag.png to mygift.png rewardbagicon to mygifticon.png #4 open mygift.activeitem set the item name to mygift set the price if you need set rarity to Common or Uncommon or Rare or Legendary (first capital letter is really important so no legendary but Legendary) set shortdescription to gift set inventoryIcon to mygifticon.png set script to mygift.lua set pool to mygiftypool #5 open mygift.animation at the line 41 set image to mygift.png #6 now at MyMod/ create the path recipes/emptyhands/ #7 create a recipe file open your text editor of your choice doesnt matter (i prefer notepad++) type the following code then save it to mygift.recipe: { "input" : [ { "item" : "corefragmentore", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "goldbar", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "ironbar", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "leather", "count" : 2 }, { "item" : "string" , "count" : 1} ], "output" : { "item" : "mygift", "count" : 1 }, "groups" : [ "plain", "unsorted", "all"] } #8 now at MyMod/ create the path treasure/ open the text editor type the following code then save it to mygift.treasurepools: { "mygiftypool" : [ [0, { "fill" : [ {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : [ "diamond", 5]}, {"weight" : 2.9, "pool" : "goodWeapon"}, {"weight" : 4.9, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"}, {"weight" : 4.9, "pool" : "augments"} ] }] ] } #9 now in MyMod/ open the text editor of your choice type the following code then save it to player.config.patch: [ { "op":"add", "path":"/defaultBlueprints/tier1/-", "value":{"item":"mygift"} } ] here you go you have made a gift mod template the only thing will be to modificate image -mygift.png & mygifticon.png to have your own stylist gift i suggest gimp or
i know the first time of anything could look scary you can ask me question if you need help througth the tutorial