Modding Help How to load custom functions from the cockpit interface?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Silverbells, Jul 29, 2016.

  1. Silverbells

    Silverbells Space Hobo

    Hey there. I know that the cockpit.config file exists, but how to make the interface load custom information? For example, if I wanted to make a script that calculated the distance between a star from another based on the coordinates and showed it in the cockpit interface, which file would I have to edit to inject the functions there?
  2. BigForceGun

    BigForceGun Orbital Explorer

    I'm learning about it for the same purposes - want to make a "navigation" mod.

    Try to see at assets\unpacked\interface\cockpit\cockpit.config - it's config of cocpit iterface
    Or assets\unpacked\objects\ship\apexcaptainschair\apexcaptainschair.object - all [%RACENAME%]captainschairs have "interactAction" : "openCockpitInterface". mb you can replace interactAction with cusom action, which opens custom gui.

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