Modding Help How to install mods on dedi server

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by imEVOLution, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. imEVOLution

    imEVOLution Space Hobo

    I have a dedicated server from Nitrous-Networks and was wondering how to install mods onto it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Put them in the mods folder.
  3. imEVOLution

    imEVOLution Space Hobo

    I dont have a mods folder in my directory

    Attached Files:

    • nnsb.png
      File size:
      82.3 KB
  4. Then make one? Needs to be /starbound/mods
  5. imEVOLution

    imEVOLution Space Hobo

    like so? (see attached pic)

    Attached Files:

  6. Well the fact that you keep censoring out that top level folder, I cant really tell you. Looks like your dedi host is weird and doesnt have the game's directory as "starbound" but something related to your account from what Im guessing.. Try it and see what happens. If it still doesnt work, put your mods folder in the folder you keep censoring out.
    imEVOLution likes this.
  7. imEVOLution

    imEVOLution Space Hobo

    kk, the main folder i hav censored out is the IP of the server. All the censors are the IP.
  8. Ah. Well if thats the case, I dont blame you. I assume it would be just /mods/ then
    imEVOLution likes this.
  9. imEVOLution

    imEVOLution Space Hobo

    kk, uploading mod into now. see if it works. appreciate the help. i'll post back in a bit whether successful or not.
  10. imEVOLution

    imEVOLution Space Hobo

    still unsuccessful. gonna change the folder structure around and try again.
  11. devcutter

    devcutter Zero Gravity Genie

    whats the point of installing mods in the server if clients can join with their own mods :S

    my question is if you enable the asset diggest does it checks also for the mods folder if both client and server has the same files ?

    i own a dedicated server also and looking for forward having a modded server for my mods but i dont want people to come in with a bunch of other op mods items
  12. imEVOLution

    imEVOLution Space Hobo

    installing mods on the server is necessary for anything that adds sprites into the game or modifies game variables.

    for using mods on Nitrous-Networks you just create a mods folder in the main server directory as shown in the attached picture.

    Attached Files:

  13. I would use instead of having semi complete folders like that

    What you are doing is cool for hdd space, but you don't have a tool to recheck the integrity of your installation, if you had it, you would have the mods folder already ready and the assurance of having a 100% compliant install
  14. imEVOLution

    imEVOLution Space Hobo

    I have no clue what you are talking about or how to go about doing it.
  15. I believe the steps of my guide could enlight you

    The Valve developers provide a way to download Steam games directly from the command line:
    useradd starbound
    mkdir /starbound
    mkdir -p /tools/steamcmd_linux
    mkdir -p /var/run/starbound
    cd /tools/steamcmd_linux
    yum -y install glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686
    tar -xzvf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz

    In the command line below replace login and password with yours:
    (Tip: You may need to use the escape character \ with special characters)
    ./ +login login password +force_install_dir /starbound/ +app_update 211820 validate +quit

    In this sample I have installed starbound in /starbound and any time I want to update it or check the files I do

    ./ +login login password +force_install_dir /starbound/ +app_update 211820 validate +quit

    steamcmd is a steam client for linux in console, the advantage is that your server is downloading from Valve the complete client (not you uploading the files on the server) , updates are quick to install and you can verify at anytime you installation folder is 100% complete. (with the switch validate on the command line)
    imEVOLution likes this.
  16. imEVOLution

    imEVOLution Space Hobo

    kk. my dedi server has the game files already in place though. the only thing added was the mods folder. the server isnt a blank server where i can host anything, its a preconfigured server for starbound. not sure if that makes a difference.
  17. Ho I see, multiplay like server where you have access to a setup already in place , in this case better see with your provider they should know how to do that
  18. imEVOLution

    imEVOLution Space Hobo

    correct. i have the mods working, i was posting that last screenshot to show others who stumble upon this post.

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