How to get to Wizard Tower

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ZorkTheForth, Sep 20, 2018.

  1. ZorkTheForth

    ZorkTheForth Space Hobo

    How does one get to the Wizard's Tower? I've been up and down the west side of the farm (playing with the standard map), and I can't see how to get to the elevated land where it is.

    thanks in advance
    • Lorekeeper of Wyverns

      Lorekeeper of Wyverns Void-Bound Voyager

      It's not on the farm. Instead, go to the south if you've got the way cleared. You should find a path that leads downwards and opens out where Marnie's ranch is. From there, go alongside the west side of that map. You might need to bring a pickaxe and axe, as I believe wood and stones can spawn in there and possibly get in your way. You should see it before long.
      • musical74

        musical74 Space Kumquat

        Also note that the wizard won't let you in until you check out the community center and find a note that looks like gibberish. This will happen at earliest day 5, you enter Pelican town from the bus stop and it's from 8 AM to 1 pm. It also need to be not raining. You'll find the note on the left side, it stands out a bit. Seeing the note (which is gibberish to you) triggers the wizard letting you in.
        • ZorkTheForth

          ZorkTheForth Space Hobo

          I've gone to the Comm. Ctr and read the gibberish. I've gone to the vicinity of the tower, SW of the farm, but I haven't seen the tower yet. There's an impenetrable forest there, with apparently only one way in. At the one place where it looks like you can enter, there's some kind of buried rock in the ground, and you can't go past it. It's not the usual rocks you break with the pickaxe. I've seen these things all over the place, so it's not unique. I've tried to break it with all the tools I have, with no success.

          So a) is the dense forest the right place? and b) is there something I can do to get past this rock? Shovel, dynamite, etc...
          I'll figure out how to upload a screenshot, in case that might ring a bell for someone.
          • musical74

            musical74 Space Kumquat

            Screenshot might help, but it sounds like you found the log that won't be breakable until you have a steel ax. If that's the case, head south from that point. The wizard is about halfway down on the left side. It's not directly west of Marnie's ranch, it's SW.
            • BentFX

              BentFX Cosmic Narwhal

              The tower is on the west edge of the Cindersap Forest (south of the farm.)

              Enter it from the south...
              • ZorkTheForth

                ZorkTheForth Space Hobo

                Thanks -- found it. I hadn't gone far enough south.

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