I've been looking for a way to get a live view of my log for a while now but i finally found a way to get some live view of my logs. On Windows: open windows power shell either search for the powershell and run it, or do win+x(execute) and enter powershell and it should open enter this command please note that if you do not have the game on steam you will have to change the path to your starbound log file path. Code: Get-Content "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\giraffe_storage\starbound.log" -Wait have a live view of your log! on unix(mac,linux) open the terminal enter this in the terminal i don't have a machine to test it on but it should work. also if your starbound isn't installed in steam default directory you will have to change the path Code: tail -f ~/Library/Application\ Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/starbound.log in theory you should be done welp have fun modding away!
Pop that in a batch and you will be golden. Good information. And.... it looks like its not that easy... hmmm I missed the part where you said to open a power shell... Whoops.
I guess people typically run Starbound from Steam, but if you start the game from a terminal, that terminal will print out everything that's being logged in real time. There are also several command line options the most useful is -loglevel, which controls the level of detail SB is going to log - helps a great deal for things like troubleshooting microdungeon spawns. You just add -loglevel [debug or warn or error or log]. So for linuxy people it would look like this: Code: $ ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Starbound/linux64/starbound -loglevel debug I don't mess with Steam often but IIRC there's an advanced tab under the game's properties that allows you to add command line options.