I've been working on this mod N-pack! It's almost ready for release on steam. But there are a few bugs that I can't seem to fix on my own, mainly because I can't find the files that are causing them. When you create a character, the image for the Nebulan species won't come up! I'm sure this is an easy fix but I can't find which file is responsible. On the Nebula (planet) you are supposed to be given a status effect called nebulasickness a lot like how you are given erchiessickness on a moon. On the Nebula planet the log is spammed with: Code: [Warn] Unique status effect 'erchiussicknesslavamoon' not found in status effect database That gives me a hint that it is looking for the wrong effect name. But what file is causing that? Another bug for the Nebula planet is an interface problem with the cockpit. There is one custom ore("Arc Shards") and one custom weather("Cosmic Storm") that doesn't show with the other ores and weather. I thought that the cockpit.config was the only file that needed to be patched like so... Code: [ // Planets { "op" : "add", "path" : "/visitableTypeDescription/nebula", "value" : [ "^green;Nebula^white; a clustered beauty of gas, dust, other luminous matter. This is causing strange levels of heat, cold, and radiation. No mortal could ever survive." ] }, { "op" : "add", "path" : "/planetTypeNames/nebula", "value" : "Nebula" }, // Ores { "op" : "add", "path" : "/planetTypeColors/nebula", "value" : [150, 255, 0] }, { "op": "add", "path": "/displayOres/arcore", "value": { "displayName": "Arc Shards", "icon": "/items/generic/npackitems/crafting/arcore/arcore.png" } }, // Weather { "op": "add", "path": "/displayWeathers/cosmicstorm", "value": { "displayName": "Cosmic Storm", "icon": "/interface/cockpit/weather/cosmicstorm.png" } } ] But there is no difference. HELP!
The first bug is usually an issue with naming your race file names with capital letters. Or there is something off about your species file.
I hope the capital sensitivity isn't the issue, can you think of any files that would cause this? Everything else with the species works great.
Oh lordy I should have checked your files. This is definitely due to using uppercase letters. Note, your race will be seen as a separate one, once the capitals have been reverted. Characters made with the old version, won't show up for the new one. This is why I stress to only use lowercase!
I forgot to mention you could have used the bat file. Just crack it open in notepad, change the word 'skadvtest' to the race name. Run it then choose the lowercased name. lol BUT. You will never forget about making the name lower case again