Hi! I like to think I'm pretty good at spriting; I've got that down, but I don't know how to add an item into the game through coding, specifically furniture. If anyone could tell me how to code my sprite into a functioning piece of furniture, I would be very grateful.
If you have steam, add me projectmayhem1983 Adding objects/items/weapons into Starbound is extremely easy. I'm about to head to work, but Ill hop back on the forums and steam afterwards and help you out if no one else has yet. And welcome to the modding scene for Starbound, you'll find a pretty helpful group of people here.
Thanks! I'm glad to hear the community here is good, but I won't friend random people; privacy first. Don't take that the wrong way though; I'd still love to learn more!
I suggest starting here https://community.playstarbound.com/resources/unofficial-modding-ebook-2-0.2930/