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Important How to Access New Builds

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gangwarily, May 13, 2013.

  1. gangwarily

    gangwarily Astral Cartographer

    1. Follow the link to your Humble Store download page given by the "Your Risk of Rain Kickstarter Tier 2 order is ready" email.

    2. There should be a little message saying "New version posted: 2013-05-13 at 11:05" (The date and time will different for each build released).

    3. Click the download button to download the file. Make sure to check the version number to make sure it's the new one. Make sure to extract the files out of the .zip as well!

    Have fun!
      Millways, Jermex, Draken09 and 4 others like this.
    • Pastuleio

      Pastuleio Risk of Rain Developer

      Thank you gangwarily! :)
        Jermex likes this.
      • Combiecola

        Combiecola Space Hobo

        How do you/ is there a way to keep your save file? When I changed to the new beta, I lost all of my items and monster logs :(
        • Shrooblord

          Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

          You probably just need to copy over the Save.ini file to your new folder of stuff. Be aware though that as builds changes, different information may be stored in the file, and using files from previous builds could very well either corrupt or really confuse the game...
            Restarter000 likes this.
          • gangwarily

            gangwarily Astral Cartographer

            Pastuleio and I will be using fresh saves on every build. Just to make sure that the bugs being reported isn't an issue with version transfers ;)
            • Shrooblord

              Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

              Exactly; that would be my suggestion too.

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