How ''magic'' would fit

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by DevilForce, Jun 15, 2012.


Is this a good idea?

  1. Yes! i like it!

  2. No, i dont like it.

  3. I dont care.

  1. DevilForce

    DevilForce Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well you are kinda right, but i gave it a little backstory to it and i don't think that asking scientists for a specific weapon is gonna be a part of the game. I think that you will need a blueprint for that first of all and that scroll/page will take place for it. Idk the part with finding a scroll and analyzing it is more interesting than just simply asking to make an arm that shoots fireballs in my opinion. And i don't think that this kinda thing would make the game worse.
  2. Witness

    Witness Giant Laser Beams

    Yeah, I understand, I wouldn't just want the design itself to be based on magical writing which would make the whole background too full of holes.. Some armament of group of mystics which didn't shun technological advancements? Sure, why not. Maybe just plainly unknown tool of as unknown technology which could be found at some occultist's lair? I'm fine with that as well. I would just prefer that if there's no way to make the design of the item make much sense, at least leave it enigmatic and it's magical heritage only implied. Would be more acceptable to those who aren't fond of magic in the first place, will let in some mysticism for those of opposite taste but won't forcefully try to merge ideas in some sort of indigestible soup. Not that I don't say that some sort of techno-mysticism couldn't work, but it would definitely need a lot more of fluff and background, possibly whole system and cross-references between occultism and technology to not irrate anyone (aside from science-geeks :p). And we don't really that much to just make an arm accessory that shoots stuff.
  3. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    You're contradicting yourself by saying magic, and then saying that it will allow you to build what is effectively a flamethrower attached to your arm. I don't think magic would ever really fit in starbound in terms of 'I have magic energy and can use it to fire fireballs and freeze things spontaneously and turn people into animals'.

    However I think that they're already basically doing what you have suggested. I'm pretty sure they've said that while you're exploring you may find schematics, which you can then take back to your base and use to construct new items. There isn't any reason that you couldn't have say a bionic arm flamethrower or a gun that shoots flying electric discs. These would then run of the already available battery meter or ammo etc.
  4. DevilForce

    DevilForce Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So did you press the yes, no or the whatever option?
  5. DevilForce

    DevilForce Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    that's not that kind of a magic i meant.
  6. Witness

    Witness Giant Laser Beams

    I didn't vote as I want to vote fairly. I don't have anything against spiritual factor in Starbound but I may be rather strict in the form I'd prefer it to take. So far the idea is still being refined and discussed and it may be something decent when whole conversation ends or it may be a waste of time. We'll see.
  7. thepoptart

    thepoptart Orbital Explorer

    That doesn't even make sense. You said that it would basically be a flame thrower and that the only magic involved would essentially be an ancient/spiritual schematic. It isn't magic in the slightest since even the way you explained it wouldn't work in the game as magic since it isn't even related to magic.

    Personally I think certain items/artifacts that appear on planets should just come with those abilities.
  8. DevilForce

    DevilForce Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    scratch the flamethrower thing. the magic thing in the title is said wrong. i just wanted that the ones who like it and the ones who doesn't would be all happy you understand? like fuse the stuff you cast and advanced technology stuff.
  9. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    My point is that what you are suggesting isn't magic though. It's a nice idea but you're basically just suggesting building weapons from schematics, which I'm pretty sure it going to be in the game anyway.
  10. Fireninja404

    Fireninja404 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    so what I'm getting here is that ancient scrolls describing magical things inspire your scientist to build something that does the same thing as what the scroll described?
  11. DevilForce

    DevilForce Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    you mean that if its a fireball, they build something that fires that fireball? Yes.
  12. DevilForce

    DevilForce Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    did i ever said anything about mana? what i said is combining the stuff you cast in ex. terraria comes from some sort of a sci-fi weapon. read all the replies i typed so that i wouldn't have to repeat myself
  13. thepoptart

    thepoptart Orbital Explorer

    Ok I think I'm starting to get what you're suggesting. You're saying you want magical artifacts or whatever that you research which would then inspire some sort of device from whatever magical purposes that item was for.
  14. Fireninja404

    Fireninja404 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    OK, ya
    i think that this idea is good, just that it's a little hard to explain
  15. DevilForce

    DevilForce Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    thank you for your positive feedback
  16. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    Im not saying that you did want mana.... I'm saying that you're just suggesting weapons that have nothing to do with magic. If you just build the weapons then they're just weapons, no magic involved. Weapons that fire bullets or lasers or fireballs or kittens and puppies are all still just weapons if they're made by the player. Therefore the point of this thread is misleading. I'm not saying it isn't a good idea, but this thread has nothing to do with magic.
  17. DevilForce

    DevilForce Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    yes it has. The scroll that you find contains a magic spell, but you create the weapon that uses the spell without mana and has the same effects ex. afterburn or freeze.
  18. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this. In my opinion it's not magic though, it's just making weapons.
  19. Urist McDwarf

    Urist McDwarf Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah, thats just making weapons with blueprints. The only way magic would fit into starbound, for me, would be with super rare eldritch artifact-weapons that bend reality.
  20. thepoptart

    thepoptart Orbital Explorer

    See someone knows where its at, mr.dwarf fortress player.

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