I am having some issues with a custom core where the lava rises past the block area and into the caves. I am not sure what setting controls this or if there is even a legitimate way of fixing this issue with mods. Any help for finding a fix for this would be much appreciated thanks in advance.
Since I cannot see your files, I can only guess what you've done. I'm gonna guess what you're talking about here has to do with the layers, regionTypes, planetTypes, etc. For example the setup for "small" planets is this - Code: "small" : { "size" : [3000, 2000], "gravityRange" : [80, 80], "layerDefaults" : { "secondaryRegionCount" : [1, 1], "dungeonCountRange" : [1, 1] }, "layers" : { "space" : { "baseHeight" : 1850, "layerLevel" : 1700 }, "atmosphere" : { "baseHeight" : 1400, "layerLevel" : 1100 }, "surface" : { "baseHeight" : 675, "layerLevel" : 600 }, "subsurface" : { "baseHeight" : 550, "layerLevel" : 500 }, "underground1" : { "baseHeight" : 450, "layerLevel" : 400 }, "underground2" : { "baseHeight" : 350, "layerLevel" : 300 }, "underground3" : { "baseHeight" : 250, "layerLevel" : 200 }, "core" : { "baseHeight" : 50, "layerLevel" : 0 } } }, The layers tell you at what height the layer starts, and how tal that layer is. However you can over-ride per planet type. For example in ocean planets - Code: "ocean" : { "blendSize" : 30, "threatRange" : [3, 3], "layers" : { "surface" : { "primaryRegion" : ["ocean"], "baseHeight" : 1150, "layerLevel" : 1050 }, "subsurface" : { "primaryRegion" : ["oceanfloor"], "dungeons" : [[1.0, "hylotloceancity"], [1.0, "hylotlruinedcity"]] } } }, Basically all the attributes get merged "regionTypes" > "planetTypes" > "planetSizes" > "planetDefaults" So the "ocean" planetType is over-writing the height and level of the "surface" layer regardless of the default or size definitions. Just to show you how that works. Now I'm assuming what you're doing is over-lapping your custom core with the layer above. So to see the vanilla regionType "core" is Code: "core" : { "caveLiquid" : [ "lava" ], "caveLiquidSeedDensityRange" : [4.0, 4.0], "oceanLiquid" : [ "corelava" ], "oceanLevelOffset" : -20, "fgCaveSelector" : [ "coreCaves" ], "bgCaveSelector" : [ "coreBackgroundCaves" ], "biome" : [ [1, [ "gardencorelayer"] ], [2, [ "blaststonecorelayer", "magmarockcorelayer", "obsidiancorelayer" ]] ] }, That's how the "core" layer would be setup, and by default (defined in "layerLevel") starting at a height of 0 going up 50. It doesn't touch the rocks above because "underground3" starts at a height of 200. So you have a gap between layers of 150.
Thank you so much for your reply. I will try this out when I have a chance. I ran into an issue with upgrading my harddrive for windows as it required more space for updated. Somehow along the way, I wiped my drive with all my backup files from the old drive. If I recall though it should be possible to extract the contents from my mod in Starbound so I should be able to continue this mod. Again thank you for taking the time to explain in detail what all the settings do. This did help a tone.