I am a glitch in the game but i have a mod that gives glitch the apex ship. Im at upgrade 5 right now and the furthest im gonna go is upgrade 6 so i really want to get upgrade 6 in black. (this is upgrade 6: https://starbounder.org/File:Apex_Ship_Upgrade_6.png) i know how to make the ship black once i find the file i need to edit to do so, but i dont know where that file is or how to apply the black ship to my game after i edit it. Thanks.
I had assumed you already unpacked the game assets. Do that. Looking at vanilla assets is step 1 before making your first mod. You will find /ships/apex/ inside you'd probably want to replace apexT6.png and apexT6lit.png
Thanks. I do have it unpacked, but when i went to /ships/apex a few days ago, it only showed two of the upgrades, the first and second i think, which is why i thought upgrade 6 might be somewhere else. I am not home right now so i can't check, but ill check when i get home on friday, and ill let you know.
If it didn't have them all, then it didn't fully unpack or you looked through before it had finished. If it still doesn't have them, then re-unpack the assets. It can take a bit.