So pretty much that, how do I create a proper terrestrial_worlds.config.patch without somewhere screwing up. I copied the patch from the "Extradungeons" mod, changed it up and doing so just crashed on startup (as usual with modding). So my question is what lua code do I need for an actual patch into worldgen. The kind of worldgen that spawns anywhere, like villages and stuff (which is exactly what terrestrial_worlds.config.patch is for). ALSO: how do I get the biome parallax to work in instance worlds. I type in the correct biome name such as "scorchedcity". It works, block types and unique monsters but not the parallax (I tried copying the parallax into my mod folder too, didn't work). I work on the "USCM Expansion" on the steam workshop btw. Also I can't upload my whole mod as it seems as it's too large, so instead you can just go subscribe to it on the steam workshop, copy the contents.pak, unsubscribe, then unpack the mod.
Just to be sure, did you enabled the option to see file extentions? This is a .txt file Did you regenerated your universe then hunted a few planets to test if your dungeon was spawning? You can also set an absurd value instead of 1.0 to make the spawn chances higher for easier testing (eg. floran stuff has a 4.0 value on forest planets)
I checked out the patch file. Also don't know why you sent it in .txt but whatever. You accidentally at a point deleted a line with Code: }, Until you are a little more comfortable with JSON patching, this site will be your new best friend. I attached a 7zip file for you. Your patch file is in there, and included a comment-removed version of terrestrial_worlds.config because that site doesn't tolerate comments. I will note something that may be important. You are adding the same dungeon multiple times. Not sure if that is intentional or not. If you're struggling on that end, that site I linked not only allows you to test your patches, it also can make them. You put in the original file, and your edited version. It spits out your patches. Also of use is that it tells you where your JSON errors are. I suppose starbound.log does that too, but it is fairly verbose. Such checkers are probably easier than reading through the log. That site doesn't do cool things like patch batches(see how here), test conditions, etc that you might do to say... add your dungeons to Frackin Universe worlds and have Truespace compatibility baked in, etc. For that, you'll just need to get better at patching. There is a patching guide around here somewhere too. Or I might be able to help with those things in any case.
bk3k, I don't actually understand the "nocomments" file (A modified terrestrial_world.config from the starbound assets). I want my dungeons to spawn on every planet so when you say I'm adding the same dungeons multiple times am I adding in something redundant for this purpose? I'm still fairly new to the whole modding deal. Also that validity checker is going to really cut down on wasted time so thanks on that too. The config patch was sent in txt because the site wouldn't allow .patch files.
As for what the site allows, that's why I put it in a 7z file. It also allows .zip and a few others. comments are when you see this on line 2 of terrestrial_worlds.config Code: // if true, parallax can transition between different biome regions within a layer anything following // or between /* and */ Starbound will totally ignore. However the idiots behind the official JSON standard removed comments from the standard itself. So most your JSON checkers won't allow them. So I gave you what is basically the vanilla terrestrial_worlds.config, but with all the comments removed. In other words... I just saved you a little work. There are comment stripper sites out there too for that matter. I just did it myself. Some advise: If you are using notepad, stop. Use an advanced text editor like notepad++. It has actual JSON language profiles, optional bracket matching, and other useful features that make reading these files SO MUCH easier. Also it can search and/or replace strings in files(including recursive searches). Some prefer other programs. Now as for you having multiple copies. Look at that patch file. line 4 line 59 line 114 They're identical. You're adding Code: [ 1.0, "uscmlonebunker_human" ] to Code: /planetTypes/tundra/layers/surface/dungeons 3 times The result of those 3 patches is this Code: "tundra" : { "threatRange" : [5, 5], "layers" : { "surface" : { "primaryRegion" : ["tundra"], "secondaryRegions" : [ "garden", "forest", "snow", "midnight", "scorchedcity" ], "dungeons" : [ [4.0, "apextestfacility"], [4.0, "apexbase"], [4.0, "apexcamp"], [4.0, "apexcity"], [1.0, "aviantemple"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "avianvillage"], [1.0, "aviannativevillage"], [1.0, "avianairship"], [1.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [1.0, "florancanyon"], [1.0, "floranvillagetower"], [1.0, "floranhutvillage"], [1.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [1.0, "evilfortress"], [1.0, "glitchcastle"], [1.0, "glitchvillage"], [1.0, "hylotlruinedcastle"], [1.0, "hylotlcity"], [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "humancamp"], [1.0, "glitchsewer"], [1.0, "novakidvillage"], [1.0, "uscmlonebunker_human"], [1.0, "uscmlonebunker_human"], [1.0, "uscmlonebunker_human"] ] } } }, I don't suppose that's a problem per-say. You'll encounter your dungeon more often. Perhaps multiple times on the same world. That's why I brought it up. If you merely wanted to increase the odds without having it come up more than once potentially, so something like Code: [ 5.5, "uscmlonebunker_human" ], etc The number on front is a weight. Things with more weight are more likely to be chosen. The odds would be Add all the weights for total weight individual weight / total weight = individual chance Another thing I noticed. The reason your mod is too big to upload here seems to be that you are including songs. Only they're songs already in vanilla? I'm not sure exactly why you included them. But without, your mod could be uploaded here. I believe it allows up to 10MB files. Well this site allows larger files, but only as external links - dropbox etc.
Huh, looks like I didn't read through something I copied. So I guess the terrestrial_worlds patch was right, just missing a small piece of code could've made the damn thing work. I guess that's solved. Also, I AM using Notepad++, and yeah, thanks for helping me with something so trivial. I did though, already know about the "weight" being chances. I put vanilla music there as I thought the path only checked the mod folder, then I realised I didn't need it but ended up forgetting to remove the useless files. Thanks alot anyways for clearing out the confusion, I guess modding really makes you learn to be patient.