How do I get the morph ball?

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Omnius Mortus, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. I want to get into the sealed off rooms in the Lunar Base with the morph ball. Since the official Wiki page on tech has not been updated since the release of upbeat giraffe, I have no idea how to acquire new techs. Specifically the Morph Ball.

    Should I scour the planets in my starting system, or is there a way to come back to the Lunar Base after you have completed the mission? Or are these rooms just there as teasers and are not designed to be reachable?

    Thanks for your input.
  2. pinkie pirate

    pinkie pirate Cosmic Narwhal

    Best Answer
    All you need to do is upgrade the ship. you cant do that until you do a certain mission called green, which cant be done yet. however, they arent important. if you really, really want it, then crouch and use the dash tech to do a much slower version.
    DapperPhantom likes this.
  3. Thanatos-IV

    Thanatos-IV Star Wrangler

    The Green mission can be done. I don't know what you mean. Simply travel to an ocean planet (preferably one without a poisoned ocean), swim to the bottom, and mine kelp. Then, return the kelp.
  4. pinkie pirate

    pinkie pirate Cosmic Narwhal

    no, as in, he cant get to that mission yet.
    Thanatos-IV likes this.
  5. There are no ocean planets in my starting system. But I'll try the dash tech, thanks!
  6. pinkie pirate

    pinkie pirate Cosmic Narwhal

    you dotn need ot worry about that mission for a looong time. but you cant upgrade your ship till then.
  7. Platoonsgt1

    Platoonsgt1 Big Damn Hero

    What do you mean!? I've finished that quest along with plenty of others and upgraded my ship all the way to tier 5 without issues (except that I didn't realise I had to complete quests to get the ship upgrade quest...)
  8. FoggyPaws

    FoggyPaws Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Holy jesus you people don't read.
    The person only has access to the Lunar Mining Site mission right now.
    They want to get into the morph ball area, but they don't have morph ball, as in order to get it, you have to upgrade your ship, which is an endgame feature right now.

    The OP isn't at the end game, they don't have access to the mission "green" yet, he hasn't unlocked it, he's got to do all the other quests first.
  9. pinkie pirate

    pinkie pirate Cosmic Narwhal

    • USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST. Reason: A disability is nothing to make fun of. Expires: 2 months
    i didnt even try to explain it to the other people because they were so autistic thank you
  10. jester2369

    jester2369 Void-Bound Voyager

    So the duck and dash technique will work just like the morph ball technique? I'll have to try that. I'm newer to the game and working on the crew mod. Thanks for the info.
  11. wildgirlN

    wildgirlN Void-Bound Voyager

    Not sure if anyone else answered it or not, but you can revisit the Lunar Base after completing the mission. So you can just come back once you get the Morphball. :)
    Omnius Mortus likes this.

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