I saw nothing on this, so I figured I would ask. It seems too complicated, but I think that it is due to not understanding it. Help is appreciated.
No it is pretty complicated. You need to be extremely well versed in Lua to even begin thinking about doing it.
I made a thread like this 5 months ago back in April and a quick search in the bar for "custom boss" would've yielded the thread. If you want true proper bosses, as The | Suit said, gonna need alot of lua knowledge. Or you can rip existing bosses and modify their sprites and certain statuses but adding in new "moves" in their move-sets will require a knowledge of lua and patching some files last time I remember from bk3k. There are ways to make pseudo-bosses though. Buffed up "monsters" and npcs will work as "bosses" in a more crude sense. You could even settle to make the environment a "boss" itself with the right mapping and wiring in TILED.
Yeah bosses are pretty involved. Their behaviors are more complex than a standard monster. Now you can give monsters cool abilities etc too. And speak of abilities, you might look at this recent thread too. Should be of interest. Links to actual tools that assist with behaviors. Maybe at some point I should try my hand at a boss monster because I love complex things aka problem solving. Well my artistic ability is lacking, but if I ever put together anything worthwhile I bet I could have someone contribute a little art. Not that I don't have lots of other things to get done before that.
I'm learning by looking through the behavior a.i. code set for certain bosses (Ixadoom and Ruin are my top spots, followed by ShockHopper). I'm confident I can create a boss based on an idea of a 'Purple Worm / Mongolian Death Worm' combo once I figure out the coding I need and set up a sprite rig (head, mandible, body segments, tail). I want it to 'burrow' in and out the ground, spit a poison stream, and have a heavy 'slam' attack of sorts.