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House Upgrade Glitch, Stuck in Objects Next to Bed After Upgrade

Discussion in 'Support' started by FiraB, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. FiraB

    FiraB Void-Bound Voyager

    So this happened after I upgraded my house to the final tier, had a giant stuffed bunny next to the bed by the fireplace and woke up in the morning unable to move because I'm now stuck inside my giant stuffed bunny...

    I put the dresser next to the bed and mr.bear at the end because I was trying to see what I could grab to move, sadly not the stupid bunny.

    Super dev, save the day man, SAVE THE DAY!
    • Xylia

      Xylia Tiy's Beard

      Probably have to get a tool out and start swinging it until you deplete your energy and pass out. It'll waste a day but it is better than having your game permanently stuck.

      But then, again, you might end up getting stuck all over again since it is in your bed....
      • Mario2047

        Mario2047 Void-Bound Voyager

        Exact same issue here. The issue is that even if you do fall asleep, you'll end up stuck between the bed and the item unable to move.
        Status update:So I restarted, and I was able to leave the bed, and hit the rabbit with an ax. That turned it into a pickup and resolved the issue for me.
          Last edited: Feb 29, 2016

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