Horse Mask

Discussion in 'Create-A-Hat' started by pigrocket, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]

    Horse masks are an extremely popular tool for anonymity. You could say they're a bit of a fad right now.



    Turns out, the fad sticks around. Even into the distant future of Starbound.
    Why is this ancient meme an asset? Let's let the head speak for itself.

    These are merely some example sprites. In fact, the horse mask is easily alterable to the devs' needs.
    [Classic Design] [Smaller mask] [More Outlining] [Greater detail] [Different Perspective]

    As far as legal business goes, nobody actually owns rights to horse masks. They're a cultural phenomenon in their own right.

    And they feel right at home in Starbound.
  2. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    Not entirely sure why you posted this anonymously, Pigrocket. I mean, we know who you are, but you can't edit the post now and it doesn't count to your posts.
  3. Chibi Banana

    Chibi Banana Void-Bound Voyager

    OMG, horse mask! So cute X3
    I like the [Different Perspective] the most, it looks like it fits the sprite best and it's friggin' adorable!
  4. I didn't intend to post it anonymously. Something must have borked.
  5. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    There's a little check-box when you post something that says "Anonymous?" and now you don't own that post. Have fun. Jk. But you can't fix it whatsoever.
  6. Meldazzar

    Meldazzar Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Report it to an admin, explain you did a slip up, have him delete this, then repost it.
  7. I'm aware of the checkbox, and I thought I was being thorough. But I suppose I may have clicked it and now I require assistance. HALP.

    EDIT: Reported.
  8. andySp

    andySp Sandwich Man

    Haha i love it
  9. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold

    Okay, I fixed it for you. I'm fairly sure all of the code is still intact, let me know if you have any problems with it.
  10. Thanks, Sokina!
  11. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold

    No problems. It's actually a very easy fix, so if it happens again (Accidents do happen) contact us.

    All I had to do was merge the posts (Though I actually took a ridiculous work-around approach to doing it since I forgot about the easy way.)

    Also, horse mask is epic mask. Great for dancing in hurricane-force winds and rains.
    Scourger likes this.
  12. Yes, I have one of my own. Very useful stuff.

    HIVEMIND Aquatic Astronaut

    It would be really funny if the photo-realistic one got put in, so awesome.
  14. SproutDog

    SproutDog Void-Bound Voyager

    This is great. If I lose I hope its to this.
  15. Robo Hobo

    Robo Hobo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is great.

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