Hello! Thank you for a wonderful hot spring cave MOD. However, there is one disappointing thing. The depiction when entering a hot spring is strange. I am waiting for it to be fixed. I'm sorry. Because I am Japanese, I may not be able to convey the nuances of words well.
It's most likely the hats, but it's hard to say. I'm hoping to have an update for the hats soon. When I do we can test to see if that was the cause. This is not a bug, this is what happens when you enter any hot springs without changing into your swimsuit.
I'm sorry. I used it without reading the explanation. I regret very much. But you can enjoy a hot spring without worrying about this. Thank you very much.
Hey @HopeWasHere I really like your New Cave Hot Springs Mod, it looks really great. I appreciate the credit (in the spoilers), but I would have liked it if you had asked permission to use my farm cave edit to share your mod with the community. I would have said yes, of course, but still, I would have liked a little heads up. I had to be told by someone else that my work had been used for another mod, which is not a great feeling. I'm proud of what I do. As we are a community who likes to share with everyone - which is great - we should always ask for permission to use another person's work. Crediting is not enough, and asking for permission revels connectivity in the community, we should respect that. Though, this is just how I feel, I can't speak for everyone, of course! I'm not pointing the finger at you, or trying to ridicule you! I'm just sad, you know? I bet you wouldn't like it if someone were to use your work and not tell you anything about it, not to mention asking for your permission. I mod because it brings me joy knowing that others enjoy what I do and it kind of sucks when others use what I've done and not ask me for permission. Other than that, great job!
Oh my goodnessI I am so sorry! It's just that I had read somewhere you said the mods could be edited, so when I started I was just using your mod as a jumping point to figure out how to map edit myself, as was going to change it up to make it my own. I'm really sorry about that and I'll be sure to let you know in the future...
@HopeWasHere I've never said my maps could be edited without my permission, not that I can remember, honestly. But it's all good, do let me know in the future
Hey, great mods! But I've read the post over at least five times now and I can't seem to see the download for the Secret Spring...? Am I just missing something completely? The only thing I see is the Download for the Farmer Customization and then PNGS of what the Spring LOOKS like, but no download to the actual mod? And it's not up on Nexus either -- says you set the file to private. Are we no longer allowed to download?
@HopeWasHere it's okay to share your mod! I just told you all that so that you would ask in the future, but I allow it, now! You have my permission
For now the mod is being hidden until I edit it the cave. As much as I appreciate you allowing me to use it @Karmylla , I have too much respect for you . You are one of the reasons I started modding in the first place! I should've asked for permission from the beginning and I don't want to be a bad example for future modders. So an updated version will be out soon, with an open source version that can be used with any maps from any other creators if they so choose to put them together. Hopefully that will be out today, if not some time this week along side an update for the hats. Thanks for your patients
Hey, so I've been using the Secret Hot Spring Cave (before it was hidden) but it seems there is an issue? If you have the fruit bats they never collect any fruit. I've had the mod enabled for two seasons and zero fruit have appeared for some reason.
Hello! This was posted on Nexus as well, but this seems like it might be a better place to post it. There's a problem with the new version of the cave. It's impossible to enter the cave at all. When going into it from the farm, you end up in the doorway of the map, but can't go any further. Only walk around the outside. Going forward just leads you back out again. This makes it impossible to use the hot spring OR collect the fruit/mushrooms from the cave. Any help would be appreciated, thanks a ton!
I haven't tested the new map yet as I went out of town right after uploading, but I'll be able to get on that soon. Could you both post screenshots of the issues so I have a better idea on what the problem is?
Help, just found this yesterday and installed this morning, but having problems trying to enter your cave. I posted the same issue on Nexus. It seems like when I first enter the cave, I'm not actually inside the cave, but outside of its boundaries?
That's super odd... I'll take a look at it, are you noticing any other issues, such as fruits not spawning?