RELEASED Hope's Mods

Discussion in 'Mods' started by HopeWasHere, Feb 15, 2017.

  1. breatemata

    breatemata Subatomic Cosmonaut

    it looks really nice thanks for sharing at least my amazon looka like farmer will have nice legs, and also the config already hass 4 shoes , should i change to 5?

    i am super interested your beta shirts for custom shirts i think there are only two shirt mods compatible, so it would be one more option(idk if you can use more thhan one).
    ps i really like your customization mod it was the first mod i tried.
      Last edited: Jun 26, 2018
      HopeWasHere likes this.
    • breatemata

      breatemata Subatomic Cosmonaut

      For some reason the front and back of the legs always become darker(the sides work just fine) since i am using skin 7 the legs are red, but they become darker in other skin tones too

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        HopeWasHere likes this.
      • HopeWasHere

        HopeWasHere Existential Complex

        Yes, sorry, looks like you figured it out but you just change the number to reflect however many shoes you have.

        As for the darker front and back legs, that's just because of the shading. I've attached a version with the shading lightened.

        And thanks for your interest, here are the CustomShirt packs I'm currently working on, they're going to need a lot of tweaking, but I guess beta testing is the best way to figure out how :)

        P.S. Also attached the first new skirt I got done, working on others, then maybe a compatibility with the new "shoes" but I might just have to change the legs to match the other pants/shorts/skirts

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        • skauvaa

          skauvaa Seal Broken

          Hi, are you working on an update for your character customization mod? I'm desperately trying to find a new customization mod but no matter what i choose they are either not compatible with Smapi or broken... please respond if you can!
            HopeWasHere likes this.
          • HopeWasHere

            HopeWasHere Existential Complex

            The character customization should still work as is, it's just that they are the in the old way of doing things (xnb) and not SMAPI. So technically yes they are SMAPI compatible, but you won't ever see them on the log or anything to show they aren't compatible. I believe there was a couple of content patcher versions someone did, I'll see if I can track them down. Anything in particular you're looking for?
            • skauvaa

              skauvaa Seal Broken

              Really? So would I just put it into the contents folder? or would I still put it in the mods folder? In Smapi, It says it is incompatible because it is not a Smapi mod and continues to skip it. And if you could, that would be awesome! thankyou for replying so soon and Sorry for the -extremely- late reply as well!
              • HopeWasHere

                HopeWasHere Existential Complex

                No problem. The game has updated, but I don't think anything messed with the character files. I could be wrong though. If not, you would drop the files you want to use in the correct folders in the Content folder and replace the existing xnb files for the files you're using. This can mess things up if done incorrectly, which is why content patcher is recommended now.
                So far I found the hat files someone converted for me. These only work with Jason Assets, and there is a limit to how many hats you can add with that mod, so you should only use the packs you want to rather than all of them. I'll keep looking, I think more of my mods had been converted, but is there something in particular you're looking for?

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                  foggywizard and Medicell like this.
                • educaited

                  educaited Master Chief

                  Hi Hope! Thanks for all your hard work!
                  My hats aren't loading in item spawner. Well, a tile appears for the item, but the item is transparent. I've troubleshooted every which way and can't sort out what the problem is. I have the hats.xnb in data replaced, I've tried keeping the .ybl and .png files in the farmer folder with the .xnb files, I've tried deleting the .ybl files and leaving the .pngs (and the reverse of that). I have the unofficial Kisekae since GetDressed no longer works. I'm baffled! Any ideas?


                  EDIT: I forgot to add I'm running SDV 1.3.36 & SMAPI 2.11.2
                    HopeWasHere likes this.
                  • HopeWasHere

                    HopeWasHere Existential Complex

                    Sorry I've been away! The old way of adding hats doesn't seem to work as well with updates to stardew valley, so I would suggest using the Jason Assets version above. I'll keep looking into a fix for the old way of using hats, but I think this will be the best way going forward
                    • tinkerbelljln

                      tinkerbelljln Pangalactic Porcupine

                        HopeWasHere likes this.
                      • doi3kimngoc

                        doi3kimngoc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        I'm converted these for myself a bit ago after Custom Shirt no longer maintained and instead Json Assets in Stardew Valley 1.4

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                          Last edited: May 10, 2021
                        • doi3kimngoc

                          doi3kimngoc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          I'm fixed Waluigi's Hats on folder after getting error.

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                          • Wolfie11385

                            Wolfie11385 Void-Bound Voyager

                            Can you please convert Hope's Pokémon shirts to CP as well? I've tried myself with no sucess...
                            • doi3kimngoc

                              doi3kimngoc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                              Here, I created Pokemon Shirt by only JsonAssets

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                                Last edited: Aug 19, 2021
                              • AshuraKuro

                                AshuraKuro Intergalactic Tourist

                                I like the cave mod that adds the hotsprings, but my only issue is if I try it with Stardew Valley Expanded it won't let me join the world, it just keeps kicking me back to the menu.

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