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Discussion in 'Fan Works' started by Gimmesoup, May 17, 2013.

  1. Gimmesoup

    Gimmesoup Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi. Anybody know how I can rip the sprites from the game? I'd like to animate with them.
    • Treadlight

      Treadlight Existential Complex

      The only way I'm aware of doing so is to infer the sprites from screenshots. I've gotten one of the wisp's animations already, but it's in a format that only Game Maker can read. I'll put it here anyway. If it helps, the game freezes when dragging the window in windowed mode, and unfreezes when you release the mouse button.
      • Daimera

        Daimera Cosmic Narwhal

        Yeah, right now it's just ripping from screenshots. All I can contribute is this one Lemurian bite animation that I ripped and patched together to do some of those sketches I did. It might be a frame or two off, I just used a program with a press-and-hold rapidfire screencap function.
        The sprites are ridiculously tiny naturally, haha. It's easier to work with them at their natural size, but they read a lot nicer at 3x
          Chanthecat likes this.
        • Treadlight

          Treadlight Existential Complex

          Do you know of a way to edit 3× sized sprites back down to 1×? I seem to only be able to get powers of 2 back down to 1.
          • Daimera

            Daimera Cosmic Narwhal

            I sorta cheat and adjust the canvas around the sprite until it's a multiple of three and then divide that.
            • Gimmesoup

              Gimmesoup Void-Bound Voyager

              So I haven't been able to get the sprites I need for anything.

              L>devs ;-;
              • Treadlight

                Treadlight Existential Complex

                What sprites in particular do you need? It is curious that they load the sounds from external files, but the sprites are all inside of the exe.
                • Gimmesoup

                  Gimmesoup Void-Bound Voyager

                  Everything. Character sprites, map pieces, mobs, effects, sounds.

                  I think they're afraid that I'm going to...steal?
                  • Treadlight

                    Treadlight Existential Complex

                    What for?
                    • Daimera

                      Daimera Cosmic Narwhal

                      Granted, no idea what "animate with them" entails, though I imagine it's like those little animated Starbound shorts littered about the place. Just with RoR instead.
                      • Gimmesoup

                        Gimmesoup Void-Bound Voyager


                        All old.
                        • Treadlight

                          Treadlight Existential Complex

                          Oh! Hmm. I've never heard of this particular forum, but I do know that there were a lot of these sorts of animations made in Flipnote Studio. Although, the popular type of characters battling were stick figures, rather than Maple Story sprites.
                          I have nothing of worth left to say here.
                          • navar0nius

                            navar0nius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            Try resizing by 33%. Works for me.
                            • Chanthecat

                              Chanthecat Tentacle Wrangler

                            • Chanthecat

                              Chanthecat Tentacle Wrangler

                              I made this: [​IMG]
                                Gimmesoup likes this.
                              • RaveTuba

                                RaveTuba Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                I've been following this thread, http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/sprite-sheet.33524/
                                So I guess I'll post the work that has been done so far here as well.

                                I'm not sure how moderators will deal with these two topics since they cover the same topic, "rippiing Ror's sprites"

                                Here are what I've taken out so far
                                I tried my fair share of .exe third party readers, and with no luck I haven't manged to take out the sprites from it.
                                So, so far, I've been screen cappign like most do.
                                My advise if you also want to give it a shot,

                                1. Grab "Greenshot", it's a simple to use screenshot taker that stores the screenshots automaticly on a folder, so you can take as many as you need and then work with them with no problem. (free software)
                                2. Grab "Cheat engine", whichever version you can; this one is a bit more complex to use, but what you'll need from it is the "Speed hack", using it to render your game on 0.1x speed makes it a lot easier to take every frame from the game.
                                3. use a simple image editor, such as MS Paint, or Paint.Net. These two normally don't cover "anti-aliasing" as much as other softwares do, so you don't need to fuss with that (like Photoshop or PaintToolsSai do).

                                I don't promise this is the best way to do it, but so far has been working for me. If you have another way to do this, and you think it's easier, feel free to tell me, I'd be most thankfull.

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