This mod increases the resolution for the portraits from DCbergers Portraits mod using their original hi-res artwork utilizing a mod from Platonymous. The file was too large to upload here so here it is on the Nexus. A comparison: How to install: 1. Download this mod 2. Download Platonymous' mod here 3. Extract the 'Portraiture' folder from the hi-res portrait mod to your mods directory 4. Copy the image files from this mod to Mods\Portraiture\Portraits 5. Enjoy! Thanks to DCBerger for the amazing portraits and Platonymous for the hi-res portraits mod!
Updated file with a bug fix for single portrait characters portraits not displaying properly. Everything should be working fine now!
Thank you! You are a life-saver. I tried to edit it myself but I'm quite pathetic at it and stopped. This is really appreciated!