Nice Day everyone! I'm a new member here. I'm a 40 years old, pass-time software programmer. I'm working on a Starbound Space Station Planificator. It's main use will be to planify your space station, within a windows software dedicated to it. (Main features planned will be) For each Expansion in the map: A way to tell, built and not-built. And resource cost. A way to create sectors, to split your space station project in parts. And resource cost. A way to write text within each expansion. A way to select expansions, and know their total resource cost. Globally: Save the map into a bitmap/jpeg/etc. Print the map to a Printer. Total resource cost of Space Station. Total + built + not-built. Right now I got the basic drawing routines done. It's only drawing an empty grid right now. Next step: is the camera movements. I plan to place it somewhere on the web. And will be needing users to test and have their comments. Please be respectful, and constructive! See ya!
The project is going well. Still drawing an empty grid but the rest is ready and still unused. I made the inner systems simplier, fixed many bugs. Basic camera movements is done. I still need to add some error handlings to prevent many crashes. Need to do some work for faster drawing routines, it's already nice but i'll do the maximum. After some bug hunting and some other coding, i'll do the next step: adding UI elements.
The grid now contains the starting mech bay and core. It's possible to change the content of the grid tiles thru code. And change between three different view. Room Icon, Room Doors, Room Game-like. Still lots of work...
I've started adding a few UI elements. 1) A colored square around the mouse position, with a label displaying coords. 2) Grid tiles can be selected, and are displayed with a colored square around them. Now working on adding a color palette system for the application. With the code already supporting features allowing user customisation.
Upcoming features... 1) Placing expansions in grid tiles. I must add code for doors connections restrictions. And also code supporting large expansions using multiple grid tiles. I must also add a palette of expansions, one you must select. 2) More work on the camera, it's really basic right now. It works badly with small grid tiles. Centering the view on the first core is buggy. I'll fix it eventualy. I'll also add a toolbar with camera related buttons. 3) Sector creation tool. Just a palette of colors, one you must select. Then you can click a grid tile to assign/remove that color to the tile. Colored square displayed around the grid tile. With a sector on/off switch for show/hide the sectors' color. 4) At least one starry background, with on/off switch. Solid background options with color choice. Rework on the grid and maybe a choice of grid types. Enough features so that you can make it game-like or blueprint-like. For later printing/save-to-file features. 5) An automatic expansions suggestions tool. Working much like in the game. You would click on a grid tile, and possible fitting expansions are displayed in a palette. You can then select the one you want. More design plans coming soon.
Upcoming features... 6) A text label system. I'll start with a fixed text centered within grid tiles. Then i'll make it more flexible and allow them to be moved and placed anywhere. 7) A grid tile selection tool. Displaying total expansions count, with total resource costs. Much like it is planned for the sector tool.
8) Final polishing should include a rework of the UI visuals so it looks much like in the game. This will be done by the very end. During debuging and testing for public release. See ya!
Just kidding... why does no one participates? My project is cool, usefull and is going well. I'll post an update soon. Any place in the forum sections better suited for this project? Any place i can post my files?
Hmm, okay. Well, as you can see this place is not as active as it's in its glory day. Most people now are active in the CF Discord server or the unofficial Starbound Discord server. This section of the forums is actually for introduction. As for stuff like this, I guess it would fit nicely in the modding section.