Hey there!! So I have been dreaming up a mod to add herbs, machines, recipes, more fruit trees, more things to craft, and more things to sell! The thing is, I'm not very good at pixel art, and that has kept me from doing anything more than just dream up awesome things to add to the game....until recently... So I started looking into modding, and have actually created quite a bit of code for things I would like to add. So I am wondering if there is anyone who would be willing to help/donate/create to make this dream come true!! NOTE: I am wanting this to be a continuation of the MCM - http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/more-crops-unofficial-continuation.129349/ not only to add more to the game but to also add more options from the trees and produce of MCM. If there are any issues in not wanting to add to the MCM or if anyone just wants herbs, I can make several compatibility options. This will definitely include the use of MysticTempest's Tea Mod - http://community.playstarbound.com/...ted-for-v1-2-w-multi-language-support.129850/. I have their blessing to do so and adding lots of these herbs will create some amazing teas! DISCLAIMER: Anything you create is yours to do with what you please, I would not own the exclusivity to your artwork or code if you wish to help me out that way. By posting here for help I am essentially making this more of a joint effort than a one woman show! I am pretty open to what anyone is willing to help with. We can add to the list, or take away. So far this is what I have been dreaming up/coding... Lavender Chamomile Mint Honeysuckle Lilac Rose Jasmine Clary Sage Ginger Rosemary Vanilla Ylang Ylang Sage Echinacea Passion-flower Fennel Thyme Elder-flower Bee Balm Oregano Basil Aloe I figured out how to add fruit trees and it's super simple and could be done easily! Wisteria Tea Tree Camphor Eucalyptus Cinnamon Tropical trees for the tropical fruits in MCM (Banana & Coconut) These are just a few fruits I feel are missing from the MCM. Grapefruit Pomelo Lavender sprigs Chamomile flowers Mint leaves Honeysuckle flowers Lilac flowers Rose flowers Jasmine flowers Clary Sage Flowers Ginger Root Rosemary Sprigs Vanilla pods Ylang Ylang flowers Sage Leaves Echinacea Flowers Passionflower flowers Fennel Leaves Thyme Sprigs Elder-flower Flowers Bee Balm flowers Oregano Leaves Basil Leaves Aloe Gel Wisteria Flowers Pomelo Grapefruit Cinnamon Bark Camphor Leaves Tea Tree Leaves Eucalyptus Leaves I would really love to be able to somehow figure out how to get bees wax from the hives, or maybe create a machine that you put "unprocessed" honey into that gives you refined honey and wax?? And to figure out how to reproduce a flame for making candles out of said wax and essential oils. -Candles?? -Smudge Sticks -Wreaths -More Tea recipes to add to the tea mod (I currently have MysticTempest's blessing) -Add spices to existing recipes -A few more food and drink options -Kombucha recipes -Trail Mixes for energy boosting while in the mines -An Alembic Still. What this does is it takes herbs, fruit rinds, resin, or flowers and turns them into essential oils. -An Herb Drying Rack. Creates dried herbs! -A Fruit Dehydrator. Dehydrates fruits a plenty! -A Glass Jar. To make Kombucha! -An Herb Grinder. Ground cinnamon anyone? -A Wax Extruder. Put honey in to get the wax out! I could possibly create 2 of the flower producing herbs just so I could get that type of honey, but it's up in the air, since usually flowers are a one pick kinda plant... Lavender Chamomile Honeysuckle Lilac Rose Jasmin Clary Sage Ylang Ylang Echinacea Passion-flower Elder-flower Bee Balm I would also love to add in a bachelor NPC who has an Herbal Healing store and is one with nature and lives in the forest. Creating this awesome mod! Pixel Artists -Dr.Drub -dollbae -gamerfluid -mystictempest -mizujakkaru Coders -Amburr -xangria Testers -coolwyngs -xangria KEY: *=Base Game **=MCM ***=Tea Mod UPDATE: As of August 22, 2017 ***I have added a few more crops to the mix along with reclassifying flowers to be flowers instead of vegetables. SO MANY FLAVORED HONEYS!!!*** If you would like to join the discord group to help out, just send me a message and I'll invite you! I'm @AmburrBambi RESOURCES Thanks to MysticTempest http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/mizus-sprites.136549/ A LOT of the sprites for this mod are going to be coming from mizujakkaru! We have officially teamed up to bring you some awesome stuff! Some will be here and some will come from a different mod. So keep your eyes peeled!! *Group 1 Progress* Coding COMPLETED Lavender Seed Packets Chamomile Seed Packets Mint Seed Packets Honeysuckle Seed Packets Lilac Seed Packets Lavender sprigs Chamomile flowers Mint leaves Honeysuckle flowers Lilac flowers Wisteria Blossoms Wisteria Sapling Wisteria Tree Lavender crops Chamomile crops Mint crops Honeysuckle crops Lilac crops Sprites Done Lavender crops Chamomile crops Mint crops Honeysuckle crops Lilac crops Wisteria Tree Wisteria Sapling sprite Wisteria Blossoms sprit Lavender sprigs sprite Chamomile flowers sprite Mint leaves Honeysuckle flowers Chamomile Seed Packets Mint Seed Packets STILL NEEDS TO BE DONE!! Lilac flowers sprite Lavender Seed Packets sprite Lilac Seed Packets sprite Honeysuckle Seed Packets *Group 2 Progress* Coding COMPLETED Rose Seed Packets Jasmine Seed Packets Clary Sage Seed Packets Ginger Seed Packets Rosemary Seed Packets Rose Flowers Jasmine flowers Clary Sage Flowers Ginger Root Rosemary Sprigs Melaleuca Sapling Melaleuca Tree Rose crops Jasmine crops Clary Sage crops Ginger crops Rosemary crops Sprites Done Rose crops Ginger Crops Rosemary Crops Rose Flowers Rose Seed Packet Ginger Root Ginger Seed Packet Rosemary Sprigs Rosemary Seed Packet STILL NEEDS TO BE DONE!! Jasmine Crop Sprite Clary Sage Crop Sprite Jasmine Flower Sprite Clary Sage Flower Sprite Melaleuca Leaves Sprite Melaleuca Tree Sprite Jasmine Seed Packets Clary Sage Seed Packets Melaleuca Sapling Doll's Main PostDoll's Resources Sprites Completed Wisteria Sapling Wisteria Blossom Wisteria Tree Honeysuckle Flowers Lilac Flowers Sprites to Attempt ... DrDrub's Main Post Sprites Completed Lavender crops Chamomile crops Mint crops Honeysuckle crops Lilac crops Lavender Sprigs Chamomile Flowers Sprites Attempting Mint Gamerfluid's Main Post Sprites Completed Sprites Attempting Chamomile Seed Packets Mint MysticTempest's Main Post Sprites Completed Roses Sprites Attempting ... Mizu's Main Post Sprites Completed G1: Mint G2: Ginger G2: Rosemary G3: Sage G4: Oregano G5: Basil Machines Completed Alembic [Flower]/[Fruit]/[Herb] Essential Oil Drying Rack Dried [Flower] • Dried [Herb] • Dried [Vegetable] Dehydrator Dried [Fruit] • Raisins Extruder Beeswax Glass Jar Kombucha • Chanterelle Kombucha • Morel Kombucha • Red Kombucha Grinder Apple Rind • Ground [Herb]/[Vegetable] Sprites Attempting ... To keep things moving and to not get too burnt out on doing one thing at a time, I'm thinking we can do groups of 5 herbs and one new fruit tree. Herbs/Crops Lavender [Code/Sprite] Chamomile [Code/Sprite] Mint [Code/Sprite] Honeysuckle [Code/Sprite] Lilac [Code/Sprite] Produce Lavender sprigs [Code/Sprite] Chamomile flowers [Code/Sprite] Mint leaves [Code/Sprite] Honeysuckle flowers [Code/Sprite] Lilac flowers [Code/Sprite] Wisteria Blossoms [Code/Sprite] Seed Packets Lavender [Code/Sprite] Chamomile [Code/Sprite] Mint [Code/Sprite] Honeysuckle [Code/Sprite] Lilac [Code/Sprite] Tree Wisteria [Sprite/Sprite] Sapling Wisteria [Code/Sprite] Herbs/Crops Rose [Code/Sprite] Jasmine [Code/Sprite] Clary Sage [Code/Sprite] Ginger [Code/Sprite] Rosemary [Code/Sprite] Produce Rose flowers [Code/Sprite] Jasmine flowers [Code/Sprite] Clary Sage Flowers [Code/Sprite] Ginger Root [Code/Sprite] Rosemary Sprigs [Code/Sprite] Melaleuca Leaves [Code/Sprite] Seed Packets Rose [Code/Sprite] Jasmine [Code/Sprite] Clary Sage [Code/Sprite] Ginger [Code/Sprite] Rosemary [Code/Sprite] Tree Melaleuca [Code/Sprite] Sapling Melaleuca [Code/Sprite] Herbs/Crops Vanilla [Code/Sprite] Ylang Ylang [Code/Sprite] Sage [Code/Sprite] Echinacea [Code/Sprite] Passion-flower [Code/Sprite] Produce Vanilla pods [Code/Sprite] Ylang Ylang flowers [Code/Sprite] Sage Leaves [Code/Sprite] Echinacea Flowers [Code/Sprite] Passionflower flowers [Code/Sprite] Camphor Leaves [Code/Sprite] Seed Packets Vanilla [Code/Sprite] Ylang Ylang [Code/Sprite] Sage [Code/Sprite] Echinacea [Code/Sprite] Passion-flower [Code/Sprite] Tree Camphor [Code/Sprite] Sapling Camphor [Code/Sprite] Herbs/Crops Fennel [Code/Sprite] Thyme [Code/Sprite] Elder [Code/Sprite] Bee Balm [Code/Sprite] Oregano [Code/Sprite] Produce Fennel Leaves [Code/Sprite] Thyme Sprigs [Code/Sprite] Elder Berries [Code/Sprite] Bee Balm flowers [Code/Sprite] Oregano Leaves [Code/Sprite] Eucalyptus Leaves [Code/Sprite] Seed Packets Fennel [Code/Sprite] Thyme [Code/Sprite] Elder [Code/Sprite] Bee Balm [Code/Sprite] Oregano [Code/Sprite] Tree Eucalyptus [Code/Sprite] Sapling Eucalyptus [Code/Sprite] Herbs/Crops Basil [Code/Sprite] Aloe [Code/Sprite] Sugar Beets [Code/Sprite] Passionfruit [Code/Sprite] Produce Basil Leaves [Code/Sprite] Aloe Gel [Code/Sprite] Cinnamon Bark [Code/Sprite] Grapefruit [Code/Sprite] Pomelo [Code/Sprite] Sugar Beet Root [Code/Sprite] Passionfruit [Code/Sprite] Seed Packets Basil [Code/Sprite] Aloe [Code/Sprite] Sugar Beet [Code/Sprite] Passionfruit [Code/Sprite] Tree Cinnamon [Code/Sprite] Sapling Cinnamon [Code/Sprite] Grapefruit [Code/Sprite] Pomelo [Code/Sprite] Flowers Elder Flower [Code/Sprite] Produce Elder Flowers[Code/Sprite] Seed Packets Elder Flower [Code/Sprite] Each machine can be done one at a time with it's respective produce. For the machines to be created and used I will be using the Custom Farming SMAPI Mod http://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/991/? So all machines and produce will be on it's own sprite sheet that's different from the springobjects Machine Alembic Still [Code/Sprite] Machine Produce Lavender Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Chamomile Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Mint Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Honeysuckle Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Lilac Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Rose Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Jasmine Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Clary Sage Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Ginger Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Rosemary Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Vanilla Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Ylang Ylang Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Sage Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Echinacea Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Passion-flower Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Fennel Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Thyme Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Elder-flower Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Bee Balm Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Oregano Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Basil Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Wisteria Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Tea Tree Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Camphor Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Eucalyptus Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Cinnamon Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Grapefruit Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Pomelo Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] *Blue Jazz Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] *Garlic Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] *Star Fruit Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] *Summer Spangle Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] *Fairy Rose Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] *Sweet Gem Berry Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] *Ancient Fruit Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] *Apricot Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] *Orange Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] **Violet Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] **Pineapple Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] **Pink Cat Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] **Blue Mist Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] **Lime Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] **Lemon Essential Oil [Code/Sprite] Machine Herb Dryer [Code/Sprite] Machine Produce Dried Lavender [Code/Sprite] Dried Chamomile [Code/Sprite] Dried Mint [Code/Sprite] Dried Honeysuckle [Code/Sprite] Dried Lilac [Code/Sprite] Dried Rose [Code/Sprite] Dried Jasmine [Code/Sprite] Dried Clary Sage [Code/Sprite] Dried Ginger [Code/Sprite] Dried Rosemary [Code/Sprite] Dried Vanilla [Code/Sprite] Dried Ylang Ylang [Code/Sprite] Dried Sage [Code/Sprite] Dried Echinacea [Code/Sprite] Dried Passion-flower [Code/Sprite] Dried Fennel [Code/Sprite] Dried Thyme [Code/Sprite] Dried Elder-flower [Code/Sprite] Dried Bee Balm [Code/Sprite] Dried Oregano [Code/Sprite] Dried Basil [Code/Sprite] Dried Cinnamon [Code/Sprite] *Dried Garlic [Code/Sprite] *Dried Kale [Code/Sprite] *Dried Hot Pepper [Code/Sprite] **Dried Onion [Code/Sprite] **Dried Cassava [Code/Sprite] Machine Fruit Dehydrator [Code/Sprite] Machine Produce Dried Grapefruit [Code/Sprite] Dried Pomelo [Code/Sprite] *Dried Strawberry [Code/Sprite] *Dried Blueberry [Code/Sprite] *Dried Melon [Code/Sprite] *Dried Starfruit [Code/Sprite] *Dried Cranberry [Code/Sprite] *Dried Grape (Raisin!!) [Code/Sprite] *Dried Apricot [Code/Sprite] *Dried Cherry [Code/Sprite] *Dried Peach [Code/Sprite] *Dried Apple [Code/Sprite] *Dried Pomegranate [Code/Sprite] **Dried Pineapple [Code/Sprite] **Dried Fig [Code/Sprite] **Dried Pear [Code/Sprite] **Dried Persimmon [Code/Sprite] **Dried Dragon Fruit [Code/Sprite] **Dried Papaya [Code/Sprite] **Dried Banana [Code/Sprite] Machine Glass Jar [Code/Sprite] Machine Produce (***Tea + Mushroom) *Morel Kombucha [Code/Sprite] *Common Mushroom Kombucha [Code/Sprite] *Red Mushroom Kombucha [Code/Sprite] *Chanterelle Kombucha [Code/Sprite] Machine Herb Grinder [Code/Sprite] Machine Produce - Herbs must be dried first Ground Ginger [Code/Sprite] Ground Rosemary [Code/Sprite] Ground Sage [Code/Sprite] Ground Fennel [Code/Sprite] Ground Thyme [Code/Sprite] Ground Oregano [Code/Sprite] Ground Basil [Code/Sprite] Ground Cinnamon [Code/Sprite] *Ground Garlic [Code/Sprite] *Ground Hot Pepper [Code/Sprite] **Ground Onion [Code/Sprite] **Ground Cassava [Code/Sprite] Machine Wax Extruder [Code/Sprite] Machine Produce Wax from honey [Code/Sprite] ...
I'd be willing to be help out some. I can barely code a "Hello World" but I can whip up some mediocre pixel art. I'm gonna be fairly busy for the next two weeks though, but one thing that could definitely help speed things up would be a priority listing for the mod. Should basic herbs, tools, or fruit trees be prioritized? This looks promising.
Awesome! I welcome your help!! The herbs and trees should definitely be prioritized first. The machines and machine produce would be nothing without the actual herbs and trees. I'll edit the original post to include a priority list. Thanks for your input!!
This is a really nice idea. I'm dabbling with pixel art myself. Maybe I'll try a few of the items. ^^
Alright, so- I have some spare time on my hands, but I'm away from my usual computer. I can't access the content folder and download a crop's stages to use as a template for making some custom sprites, could you send me one of the crops png files to modify? I have the stuff for editing photos but not for making it in the proper template. In the meantime, here's a "draft" for Lavender in the wrong format. Stages 1-5 and seeds. The big problem is that Lavender is a really skinny herb, so it's tough to make with tight pixels. I think the end solution will be putting multiple in the same tile, tightly, like hay. It might look good when there's a whole bunch of them though. Lemme know what you think.
I think spriting the lavender more like a wheat bush would work better. Here is the crops.png! Thanks!
Alright, edited within the proper format and got Lavender, Chamomile, Mint, Honeysuckle, and Lilac crops done. (They start in the 5th row). Lavender is now a variation of the wheat bush, and looks much better.
Okay so I was messing around and tried making a Wisteria Tree. What do you think? Polished it a bit. **Outdated see main post for all current resources**
Okay after a long time of fighting with pixels this is what I got. **Outdated see main post for current resources**
Here it is attached to the fruitTrees.png! There were 2 purple pixels on the winter tree that I just changed to match the rest of it. It looks so awesome!! Thank you so much dollbae!!