Gothboy77 submitted a new mod: HempCraft - Adds different types of hemp as resources Read more about this mod...
Some guy made a SMOKING MOD. Can't you two just get together and make Tripbound or something? It's time for "Fear and Loathing in Starbound"! I really enjoy your mod and the way the plants and the items look! Keep up the good work! Can't wait for further updates!
This mod is awesome, I have been holding out on building a new ship so I can make my farm first. The effects are awesome, the artwork great, awesome mod!!!
I agree! This mod is pretty awesome. Love the fact that there are so many uses for it as well. Great job on the mod!
Way too much Indica, not enough Sativa or Industrial Hemp. Hemp was the main product of export and industry the world over for millennia before the corporations urged the government to trick the people into outlawing it under the false name of a type of wild Mexican tobacco (that's right, Marijuana doesn't even mean Cannabis). I like that you can refine it into fuel, but there are so many more uses than that. Basically what you should be getting when harvesting Hemp in this mod is just straight Plant Fibers, with all the uses that entails, plus some buds that you can do other things with should you be so inclined. Seems the mod hasn't been updated in months, I just wanted to give that feedback.
I am sorry for not updating in so long I have been busy and Starbound has been doing its own thing. I have been getting more spare time recently and been thinking about fixing this mod up(compatibility) and adding things. The Hemp does give regular fiber actually, but it also gives you a seed or two and a few buds for toking and/or making edibles. I hope to work on this soon for you guys
Gothboy77 updated HempCraft with a new update entry: Enraged Hemp Read the rest of this update entry...
It depends which version you are using. This mod currently only works on the Enraged Koala Stable Build.
If you're interested in updating it, I'd be willing to help where possible (if needed). I've got a pretty intensive background on this subject, as I teach about bioremidation and farming in regards to cannabis and would adore a proper hemp farming mod. Currently I'm on the stable Giraffe update.
update please or I will have a mod author adopt it I know 3 farming mods that have 25 percent chances of taking it in or updating it
I'm wondering how to download the mod for Mac. I looked online but all I have are kids giving me how to's on how to do it but it never works. I would open the the game and the chucklefish thing then BOOM it crashed.