Chat Hels Chatroom V: Hel's Angels

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hel, Oct 28, 2017.

  1. adimetro11

    adimetro11 Spaceman Spiff

    Hey guys, i've been playing doom 2 lately
  2. The Purple Dragon

    The Purple Dragon Master Astronaut

    G'night M'lady!
    MilkCalf, Firebird Zoom and Jimlad 42 like this.
  3. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    nightynighty honey <3 sweet dreams :3

    ~ Iris ~
  4. MetaFace

    MetaFace Guest

    To crying right now ;-;
  5. Pangaea

    Pangaea Forum Moderator

    Anything I can do to help, Meta?
  6. BigEaredKittens

    BigEaredKittens Master Astronaut

    Snap back to reality oh, there goes gravity
  7. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Nyanpasu everyone.

    Hows u?

    ~ Iris ~
  8. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova

    Nirning Iris.
    I is good.
    Right now watching a D&D video as I work on how to make an Infinity Sword.
  9. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Avaritia? i have a recipe lying around if u need one.

    ~ Iris ~
  10. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova

    Yep, Avaritia's Infinity Sword. And no thanks, I already have plans in mind. It's going to take swords from the magic side of things, and the tech side of things. I just need to figure out how to combine stuff for this thing.
  11. MetaFace

    MetaFace Guest

    There ain't no help for the Meta. I keep passing out, I literally can't stay awake.
    Firebird Zoom and Jimlad 42 like this.
  12. Waffle-Chan

    Waffle-Chan Guest

  13. MistyTheNeko

    MistyTheNeko Ketchup Robot

    Casually walks in on all fours
    Hello friends and acquaintances. How has everybody's day been so far?
  14. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    Hmmmm. Fluffy.
  15. Waffle-Chan

    Waffle-Chan Guest

    Hello there cute neko
  16. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    Y'all need tanks.
  17. Hel

    Hel ✨ Johto's Finest ✨ Forum Moderator

    Morning guys.

    Today is another sxxx day.

    People to hurt. Places to be. Same ol crap.

  18. Pangaea

    Pangaea Forum Moderator

    We're here if you need us.
    MilkCalf, Firebird Zoom and Jimlad 42 like this.
  19. Hel

    Hel ✨ Johto's Finest ✨ Forum Moderator

    Thanks Pan. I appreciate it c:
  20. Waffle-Chan

    Waffle-Chan Guest

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