Chat Hels Chatroom IV: Helen High Water

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hel, May 16, 2017.

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  1. HueHuey

    HueHuey Parsec Taste Tester

    Henlo, i just wanted you to see this
  2. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    that's super dumb. everyone should know psychic attacks are super affective against dark types.
  3. Waffle-Chan

    Waffle-Chan Guest

    Guys! Final page!
    *jumps on top of Calfie with excitement*
  4. KookyKeronian

    KookyKeronian Parsec Taste Tester

  5. Firebird Zoom

    Firebird Zoom Oxygen Tank

    *Screams internally and externally*
  6. Hel

    Hel ✨ Johto's Finest ✨ Forum Moderator

    Don't go yet we have Page 500 left to sorta fill in lmao
  7. Waffle-Chan

    Waffle-Chan Guest

    I'm still here!
  8. MetaFace

    MetaFace Guest

    I'm sorta here
    Jimlad 42 and Firebird Zoom like this.
  9. Pangaea

    Pangaea Forum Moderator

    I'm here to see the end! \o/
  10. Hel

    Hel ✨ Johto's Finest ✨ Forum Moderator

    Well the dawn of Part 5 is nearly upon us...
  11. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    I'll be hiding here until the end. :nuruninja:

    ~ Iris ~
  12. Firebird Zoom

    Firebird Zoom Oxygen Tank

    Not counting this post, there are only 28 posts left...

    I'll hold off on my songpost until then.
    Jimlad 42 and Waffle-Chan like this.
  13. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova


    13th post. 7 left until 500. Choose wisely.

    Dibs on a summoning slot in the next chat. Is that how it works? Probably not.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2017
  14. Waffle-Chan

    Waffle-Chan Guest

    Good nirning guys! For the end of this thread, I'd just like to say this: Calfie is lovely and adorable, good luck to Iris and Hel, and I <3 waffles :3
    It's been a blast being here, and I can't wait for part 5! Hopefully, @Hel will pick my suggestion for the name this time! See you guys in part 5!

    Your friend 'til the end,
    Waffle :3
  15. Hel

    Hel ✨ Johto's Finest ✨ Forum Moderator

    Every part has been great. And lets hope Part 5 carries on being just as great
  16. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    Hello everyone. ISP's still having problems. Decided not to pay them for every day I couldn't use the interwebs. Currently on a free public wifi. Just wanted to let you know I'm alive and kicking. Ain't gonna get rid of me so easily ;)
  17. The Purple Dragon

    The Purple Dragon Master Astronaut

    *eyes glow red* You'll never leave us.
  18. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova


    Nirning folks. How's it going?
    Firebird Zoom and Waffle-Chan like this.
  19. Hel

    Hel ✨ Johto's Finest ✨ Forum Moderator

    Things are going fine thanks Jimmy c:

    What about yourself?
  20. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova

    Things are going well.... enough. Still hit with Writer's block for finishing that modpack.
    Firebird Zoom and Waffle-Chan like this.
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