help pls in my farm never rain!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jero925, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. Jero925

    Jero925 Space Hobo

    I'm on 8th summer and never rain in my world, any idea? (sry about my english)
    • heartphilia

      heartphilia Subatomic Cosmonaut

      Maybe it is just random. I would just continue playing. Some time it should rain.
      • Jero925

        Jero925 Space Hobo

        In my other game the rain starts at second day of spring, in my main i'm on summer and never rain it's so quirky. I need fishes and materials that appear when it rains
        • heartphilia

          heartphilia Subatomic Cosmonaut

          I think it might then be just random. Be patient and keep playing. If it doesn't rain until winter, then it may be a bug, I guess. Otherwise you might check a mod that changes the weather. I think the Cheat Mod can do that. Go to the Mod section and look.
            Jero925 likes this.
          • Jero925

            Jero925 Space Hobo

            ok thanks! :D
            • heartphilia

              heartphilia Subatomic Cosmonaut

              You're welcome! If it doesn't work out, come and write here again!
              • commandantjones

                commandantjones Orbital Explorer

                Same issue. I'm on the 20th of Summer, and I've had a total of 2 rain days the entire game. My wife started playing when I did, and on her computer, she has rain every second or third day.
                • zoeevee

                  zoeevee Zero Gravity Genie

                  It is random but you should be getting some.
                  • Digus

                    Digus Spaceman Spiff

                    I got very few rains til mid summer, than it was storm every other day, sometimes even consecutive days.

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