I need 2 race mods done but i am useless at animating, coding, making the art and basically everything so if someone can do this for me (i know it sounds like im lazy. sorry bout that) that'd be awesome. the 2 races will have a similar style. I was thinking that instead of armor and weps they'd have tiered techs. the first race is a tattooed angel like race (i have no names for either race yet only a few ideas for them) and the angel race can have houses made of a marble light coloured stone material and will have winged lions as pets, and in their tattoo colour as well as weapon in their tech form will depend on the material that made it (example, black tattoos will indicate that the tech was made from impervium and they will wield spears and shields, where as voilium would have purple tattoos and they use magic and frozium teal tattoos and bows). the second race is a dragon-human hybrid like race and will have scales from belly button downwards and elbow downwards they'd have a more darker yet highly advanced and sophisticated like culture so example they'd have houses made from basalt or brimstone and the houses would look a bit like ancient nord/Norse houses and they'd have salamanders for pets im not so sure how the techs and material that made the techs would work with these guys maybe impervium it would be claws violium they would shoot lazers out of their mouth or something, not so sure about frozium, but yeah if someone could help make that'd would make my day (and maybe a few other starbounders hopefully). anyway thats all i hope someone helps. (p.s. please include me in credits of these races as the "guy with the ideas" or something thanks. )
Modding Help and Discussions is for people interested in modding. If you simply want to post ideas - Suggestions forum is the best place for it. Though I suggest you elaborate more on the race, for example. http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/meet-the-drale.18980/ == Moved to NPC \ Race Suggestions.
after long periods of thinking i have come with some story/ lore for the half dragon/human race which i will go into detail now. Children of Bahamut: The Bahamur The Bahamur are children and messangers created from the scales and blood of the great dragon Bahamut. Bahamut could not communicate with any of the other races and was constantly attacked by them despite having no ill intentions to any of them. needing some way to communicate with the other races bahamut created a form of egg using his scales and blood to create life forms that can communicate with the other races for him hence the bahamur were created. the bahamur can communicate telepathically with each other and bahamut. bahamur have a technological advanced viking style culture they do not use weapons or armor but instead they transform and gain more dragon like aspect such as wings, horns and claws and are able to shoot lasers out of their mouths and create homing energy projectiles from their wings or just simply tare the enemy limb from limb with their overpowering claws. but even with all their power they will only attack when they are attacked as they are quiet peaceful race. Appearance: humanoid with scales from belly button and elbows downwards (will be able to change scale color and skin color) culture style: Futuristic Viking weapon and armor: tech (Separator tech left click: attack with claws right click: block (this will be for all tech). Manipulator tech left click: moth lazer. Accelerator tech left click: homing energy balls.) this is all i got for now once again i have no idea how to mod script or make the artwork and such all i have is ideas anyone is free to make suggestions i do hope someone makes this race. (side note i don't always have the internet and won't have internet for a while more and must go to places i can use internet so apologies if i cannot answer immediately)
Please don't hijack other peoples threads to advertise yours. If you want help from a particular user than just message them through PM or through their profile.