Heeeeey peeps I need friends

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by annasplaying, Sep 23, 2018.

  1. annasplaying

    annasplaying Space Hobo

    heeeeeey y’all
    I have SV on PC & Switch and I just want some peeps to play with is all, my steam username is enderlinq and just talk to me through there. New or expirenced I don’t really care
      Mom2Gamer likes this.
    • XilentSW

      XilentSW Space Hobo

      Me, Accept request!
      • Mom2Gamer

        Mom2Gamer Phantasmal Quasar

        I have Stardew Valley on 3 systems. though I didn't set-out to do that it just morphed into being that way. PS4 was my original game, Switch was a gift (so I can bring it with me when I travel with my husband for his job), and now on PC - I created a Steam account just so that I could get Stardew on my PC and play multiplayer. I have already played over 900+ hours of Stardew Valley on Steam, I LOVE Stardew! I joined Steam around the same time I joined the Chucklefish Forum, so I'm still fairly new to online gaming and forums but I look forward to getting to know more Stardew friends (like you). <3
          annasplaying likes this.

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