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Health and (possibly) mana?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Afterscore, Feb 24, 2012.

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  1. Afterscore

    Afterscore Weight of the Sky

    Has there been any confirmation or speculation on how health and mana will work?

    Will it be the same Terraria style we know, with items that increase your maximum HP and Mana?

    Or do you think we could be seeing something other than mana, or a different style of increasing either bars?
  2. DarkDXZ

    DarkDXZ Phantasmal Quasar

    First thing - there is no mana in the game.
    No magic = no mana.

    Instead, there are "battery-powered weapons" that you use your energy - so technically, mana.

    I think we will get syringes (that's what I saw on the screenshots) and it may also slowly regenerate on its own, Terraria-style.

    BUT we never know...
  3. Afterscore

    Afterscore Weight of the Sky

    Thank you, I was honestly in the dark about that. I was using the term "mana" loosely though, not simply referring to magical spells n shit.

    So I take it you'll be able to increase your maximum energy?
  4. DarkDXZ

    DarkDXZ Phantasmal Quasar

    Having a "battery pack" into which you can put batteries. :sneaky:
    Not sure about the health, tho.
  5. Cobalt16

    Cobalt16 Pangalactic Porcupine

  6. Afterscore

    Afterscore Weight of the Sky

    Ah I hadn't thought about the yellow portion being armour until now either. Nice game mechanic (if thats the case)

    Armour will still give general defence bonuses too though right? Or will it depend on the armour itself?
    There could be armour that give specific health buffs...
  7. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    I think you are missing the most important thing in this picture.
    We get to have capes.
    Darkone59 and PNSAforce like this.
  8. Andinicus

    Andinicus Big Damn Hero

    I think the energy is used for your "tech" items seen on another screen shot but i'm not sure. I remember you can have up to 5 techs equipped at once.
  9. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    Remember that it could also be Stamina.The weapons probably have to be charged individually, instead of their ammo.

    And the little injectors could possibly work like Elder Scrolls potions.
  10. Offline

    Offline Astral Cartographer

    There will be Energy and HP. The yellow is armor.
  11. JohnDevince

    JohnDevince Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I honestly think it should be Starpower/StarFury :O
    I think typically this game has way too much potential for the plain HP and Mane
  12. Offline

    Offline Astral Cartographer

    The energy would be for using guns that are energy powered, and take time to charge. So very similar to Mana.
  13. JohnDevince

    JohnDevince Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Energy powered... Hmm... I still think Energy is still too bland of a word for this epical game...
    I think a mana based system would be pointless, and fall into the category of a typical rpg space themed.
    This game has WAY too much potential for that.
    ~ Thank You!
    John Devince
  14. knarfc

    knarfc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think you will have a health and energy and which can be regenerated by certain items.
  15. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    Well what else do you want them to call it
    something confusing and not descriptive of purpose
    like "super alpha hyperforce power"
    because that is confusing to new players
  16. JohnDevince

    JohnDevince Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I like it i like it xD Nah but i think something along the lines of Starpower or Aura ...
    ~ Thank You!
    John Devince
  17. Afterscore

    Afterscore Weight of the Sky

    It's called going Super Saiyan, and I support it for Starbound 109%
  18. JohnDevince

    JohnDevince Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You know it brother!
    Super Saiyan or Super Naut would be epic!!
    ~ Thank You!
    John Devince
  19. bbbg

    bbbg Pangalactic Porcupine

    Assuming the yellow bar is armor, the armor system must just be a second bar that must be used up before damage is transferred onto the character's actual health. Personally I prefer this way to the confusing armor stats and various different damage variable things.

    This game just gets better and better :D

    EDIT: I was reffering to the above screenshot, btw. :p http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/9113/desertinv.png
  20. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    The yellow bar is probably extra health he gets from armor bonuses or something similar. Also, please don't necro discussions that have been over for months.
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