Whew this is a little last minute, but I finally stumbled across this contest! Head Nommage Cat Hats While they bear a faint resemblance to old-timey racoon hats, these kitties are quite lively, and enjoy nothing better than perching upon your noggin. While their snorglage may look a little painful, any incidental forehead punctures will only assist in absorbing the floofycuteness directly into your brain. As an added bonus, your head will always be warm, and bonus fly swatter feature is included. May shrink in wet weather. Original size -
Thank you Now that I've had a chance to look at the other entries, there are some awesomely creative ones out there. But I had to do my bit to ensure that 'cats adorably nomming on your scalp' are part of this intriguing game. And no I didn't censor my pixel-models as others have done. We had a conference. It seems these guys are a little exhibiitonist, so who was I to deny them? Plus Barry just got a spray tan to cover his tan lines *specifically* for this, so it would have been a bit of a waste.