Modding Help Having issues with mods

Discussion in 'Mods' started by jpt2113, Apr 13, 2019.

  1. jpt2113

    jpt2113 Space Hobo

    Hello everyone, I just had a question. I'm really new to PC gaming and mods, and as such I have just been using Vortex to download from Nexus to keep things simplistic. Its gone well for other games, however Stardew Valley has been giving me this issue with multiple mods, "it contains files but none of them are manifest.json" I've been trying to figure this out for hours, uninstalling and reinstalling, checking Nexus for missing files ect with zero progress. If anyone can give me any suggestions on fixing this it would be greatly appreciated.
    • jpt2113

      jpt2113 Space Hobo

      Image showing above error 20190412_183421.jpg
      • Moragaine

        Moragaine Existential Complex

        @jpt2113 It looks like you've gotten ahold of some old xnb mods - that's usually what it means when it says it has no manifest. There's also a couple folders in there(terrainfeathers and tilesheets) that aren't mods at all. I'm not familiar with Vortex, but I've heard other folks say they've had problems with it. If you go to, and follow the directions there to get your error log, you can link to it here and folks can see what all is going wrong with your game/mod files.
        • SpringsSong

          SpringsSong Cosmic Narwhal

          Personally, I would not use Vortex because I have been less than satisfied with how it handles directing content. If you want to use a mod manager, I'd recommend ModDrop for Stardew as it is very good with placing things where it needs to go.

          For the mods that say they're no longer compatible, you can go to the URL listed in the error log ( to see if there's a newer version available. For instance, there is a newer Scythe Harvesting mod than the one you're using.

          For the ones that say "[...] because it contains files, but none of them are manifest.json", this could be caused by any of the following:
          • Being an outdated XNB mod that Vortex tried to put in the Mods folder
          • Being nested in multiple folders and having a file of some sort that is not manifest.json before you get to the actual content
          • Being a file that came from a Mac computer and Macs do things weird

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