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Bug/Issue Harvey railroad quest

Discussion in 'Support' started by Dipsys, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. Dipsys

    Dipsys Space Hobo

    So, I forgot to do the friendship quest from Harvey after reaching the required amount of hearts and even got married with him before entering the railroad area.

    I went there while a train was passing and my character got stuck running, apparently against the passing train - though I couldn't see the train because the quest event was triggered. I just assume this was the case since my character didn't seem to be able to go over the railroad and just ran against it. After the invincible train had passed my character continued to run to Harvey and just kept on running against him for a long time.

    Since the game was on cinematic mode I couldn't access any of the menus so eventually I just had to force quit the game and start from a previous save.

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