RELEASED [Halted Development] [SMAPI 0.39.7+] Zoryn's Mods

Discussion in 'Gameplay Mechanics' started by Zoryn4163, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. blargsnarf

    blargsnarf Pangalactic Porcupine

    And there I was wondering if you'd be able to think of a solution :D.
    Any ideas when that'll be added? I'd like to play but playing without speed is horrifying now, and I can't find the traindermod.dll to play the SMAPI way anymore :(.
    • Zoryn4163

      Zoryn4163 Big Damn Hero

      I just updated it now and tested it with the new game event. The old one did indeed just hang there, but this one seems to be working. Do tell if any more issues come up! (Note: It's still the same download for the 1.0 version, but the manifest.json was updated to reflect 1.1)
      • Panduhs

        Panduhs Void-Bound Voyager

        I put the Movement Mod in the right place, but when I go to start the game with Storm.exe it doesnt open :wut: so I took it out and installed the Fishing Mod and it starts up just fine..
        • Zoryn4163

          Zoryn4163 Big Damn Hero

          I just downloaded my release and tested it, seems to work perfectly fine. Are you on the latest StormLoader.exe?
          • Pyrii

            Pyrii Existential Complex

            Is there any way to add a modifier to your fishing mod for stamina use? I always find it weird how fishing, a relaxing pastime uses as much stamina as hoeing the ground or chopping wood.
              izzy82 likes this.
            • Korsovan

              Korsovan Void-Bound Voyager

              Thanks Zoryn for your hard work so far, once a few more of the mods go full storm, I likely will migrate over. I just started playing with these mods, so I derped and began using the SMAPI. The small little things definitely make the game more interesting. And then I see King Lemming post on here, and think to myself, Enderium tools would be excellent to have. Just saying, and no not a request. I know you all have real life distractions like the rest of us, and I'm content with all the efforts you all have put out there. Cheers
              • Panduhs

                Panduhs Void-Bound Voyager

                Yes I downloaded the most recent one and everything works fine ^^ thank you!
                • Zoryn4163

                  Zoryn4163 Big Damn Hero

                  Yea I can do that no problem, check again in a bit and it should be updated.
                  Edit: It should be added now, just download version 1.2 of the fishing mod. It'll show up in your config file if you did it right. By default it is set to 0.5 (half loss compared to normal)
                  Tell me if something doesn't work! :D
                  No problem!
                    Last edited: Mar 9, 2016
                  • nickelcurry

                    nickelcurry Subatomic Cosmonaut

                    The instant fishing isn't working, I think? Isn't it supposed to make it so I don't have to do the minigame? Here are my settings:

                    "AlwaysPerfect": true,
                    "AlwaysFindTreasure": false,
                    "InstantCatchFish": true,
                    "InstantCatchTreasure": true,
                    "FishDifficultyMultiplier": 0.0,
                    "FishDifficultyAdditive": 0.0,
                    "CatchPerTickAddition": 0.002,
                    "BaitTackleSettingsApplyOnlyToTrash": true,
                    "InfiniteTackle": true,
                    "InfiniteBait": true,
                    "TackleDurabilityAdditive": 0.0,
                    "TackleDurabilityMultiplier": 1.0

                    Am I doing something wrong?
                    • Zoryn4163

                      Zoryn4163 Big Damn Hero

                      No, this is correct. Are you on the latest storm version? I always compile against specific versions, and updates are breaking mods quite often in the early steps of the API.
                      Do you see a message state "Loaded Fishing Mod 1.2 by Zoryn Aaron", and most importantly "FishingMod by Zoryn => Initialization Completed" ? These signify the mod was loaded, and when I test it having "InstantCatchFish" catches the fish just fine, I don't have to do anything.
                      • nickelcurry

                        nickelcurry Subatomic Cosmonaut

                        Okay, so it turned out I was using version 1.1 of the mod, so I updated it, still didn't work, then I updated to the latest storm and now it seems to be working. Gotta keep up with all these updates :D
                        • Zoryn4163

                          Zoryn4163 Big Damn Hero

                          Yea sorry about that, there's tons of updates due to it being an early alpha/beta/whatever-they're-calling-it.
                          • GosuGian

                            GosuGian Twenty-three is number one

                            Thanks for this awesome mod pack!
                            • nickelcurry

                              nickelcurry Subatomic Cosmonaut

                              Haha, it's good that things keep updating, just hard to keep up.

                              BTW, when I update to the latest version of the mod, so I delete the old config file?
                              • Zoryn4163

                                Zoryn4163 Big Damn Hero

                                There is no need to delete config files. I custom-wrote the Config manager in the API to support version changes, you can keep your config and the next time you run the game the config will update, and any missing fields will be added. You are free to delete your configs at any time if you'd like a new one generated with default values though.
                                • Pyrii

                                  Pyrii Existential Complex

                                  Ta very much, I'll give it a spin.

                                  I admit I would prefer defaults that match game defaults so I only enable/change parts that I want to. But thanks so far.
                                  • Zoryn4163

                                    Zoryn4163 Big Damn Hero

                                    That's a valid point. I'll probably end up doing that. All of storm is still at an early stage so everything is being broken and changed quite frequently.
                                    • nightsotic

                                      nightsotic Poptop Tamer

                                      I got a problem with the regen mod. It continues to regenerate non stop untill I sleep and the green bar grows constantly.

                                      My config setup:
                                      "RegenStamina": true,
                                        "RegenStaminaOnlyWhileStill": false,
                                        "RegenStaminaPerSecond": 1.0,
                                        "RegenHealth": true,
                                        "RegenHealthOnlyWhileStill": true,
                                        "RegenHealthPerSecond": 0.5
                                      But thanks for the modpack, I love it! :)
                                      • strevel

                                        strevel Intergalactic Tourist

                                        This kinda grinds my gears, man.
                                        • GosuGian

                                          GosuGian Twenty-three is number one

                                          Same bug :( It extends your health :wut:

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