What is impractical about these two items is that, when equipped in the back cosmetic slot, don't light up. This is pretty inconvenient considering that, when exploring, most of the time an EPP is required. What I would suggest is that both of these packs light up and function properly in either slot. Thank you.
Glowing backpacks, as far as I can tell, became absolutely redundant with the current system of "you gotta have that EPP, or most planets will murder you". Allowing cosmetic backpacks to give off light would however make EPP light augment redundant. Both existing at the same time will be somewhat weird, as having an EPP with light augment is superior to just having a light pack, and having the latter equipped as a cosmetic that still produces light would bypass the limit of one augment per EPP, so it would kinda be cheating. Either way, this system could use some tweaking.
Yeah...this is quite troublesome, light packs are useless now on higher tier planets, but at least you can use them in missions.