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RELEASED Half-Life Mod 2.0.1

"Rise and shine, Mister Freeman."

  1. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    Under what menu does one find the half life rebel crate?
  2. Atromixx

    Atromixx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Should just be craftable in your basic crafting by pressing C
  3. Rukrio

    Rukrio Pangalactic Porcupine

    as to the altfires, no they don't. if you know they work, might wanna make sure they're listed in buildscripts.
  4. Atromixx

    Atromixx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What weapons are the altfires not working on? The M4, MP5 and MP7 all work for me and they are all set to have altfires so I'm not sure whats up.
  5. Rukrio

    Rukrio Pangalactic Porcupine

    disregard then, i only tried the ones i recalled having altfires and odd functionality, like the hivehand (faster firing but only straight shots, compared to bouncing shots at a slower clip (homing i do not blame you for not adding)), AR2 (the instakill energy ball).

    i also tried the tau cannon but i know how tricky it can be to add charge-shot functionality, so i don't blame you for not having that.

    both versions of the RPG can benefit from the guided missle or controlled missle. check the vanilla code for those.

    but i digress. i'll keep an eye on this mod to see how it develops. i always loved half life's arsenal. sure, i'm into overwatch these days, but gordon freeman was one heck of a scientist.

    it also helped that i found out about Sven Coop but that's a mod
  6. Atromixx

    Atromixx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I don't recall giving the hivehand a secondary fire but nevermind. I did try to give the AR2 a custom secondary but making secondary is HELL. Anyway In the next update I'll probably give the RPG's guided rockets though.
    Rukrio likes this.
  7. Rukrio

    Rukrio Pangalactic Porcupine

    was more so referring to the game's equivelant. sorry if i made an ass outta you and me in saying it how i did.
  8. Atromixx

    Atromixx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Nah, Don't worry m8.
  9. Artanis00500

    Artanis00500 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Installed the mod,i cant find the crate anywhere,what is the name?
  10. Artanis00500

    Artanis00500 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Im a f**king idiot,shouldve read the discussion.found the crate!
  11. Artanis00500

    Artanis00500 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think if you hit something with the stun baton,it should shock them as well
  12. Kelo4242

    Kelo4242 Big Damn Hero

    im still waiting for combine overwatch plz make

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