
Discussion in 'Gear and Items' started by Brady, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Brady

    Brady Void-Bound Voyager

    I was looking at the name of a discussion asking what guns we were going to use the most, and I thought to myself "I am more than likely going to play a melee/tank character. Then I got the idea for the gunblade.

    The gunblade is a shotgun/sword mix. The blade itself can store about 4-6 shells. This weapon is more damage based. It can be used plainly, just swinging the sword, hacking and slashing. Or, for those tough bosses or nuisances, you can press the button on the hilt while you swing your sword to unleash a shell. It only will work efficiently when you trigger the blast WHILE your sword is in your enemy, due to an extremely large spray range.

    Of course, this is only the basic version of the gunblade. Eventually, you can use your plasma swords or energy blades with a suppression field and have triggered explosives inside your blade. Feel free to post your opinions and ideas.
  2. TehEpikMonk

    TehEpikMonk Spaceman Spiff

    Reminds me of that axe from Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer.

    Useful for chopping vampires in half, but usable as a gun in a pinch.

    This would be a really fun addition to the game, and a good blend of melee and range combat.
  3. CryptotheFuron

    CryptotheFuron Void-Bound Voyager

    I like the idea. Great way to switch between melee combat to ranged combat without having to worry about switching to another slot. One thing about the weapon is it will take up both places in the L R click portion of your HUD if you're thinking left click will melee and right click will shoot, so sadly you won't be able to have a shield. Still a cool idea though; i can definitely see it being implemented.
  4. SergeantSpears

    SergeantSpears Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yes, if this is to be implemented it should certaintly take up both L and R slots.

    I would like to see it as more of a sniper rifle, thats more my style : P, love the idea!


    How do i post a picture in a comment? That way i could post and example from another game.
  5. Brady

    Brady Void-Bound Voyager

    You can add/edit pictures by clicking on the blueish box-icon.

    I believe my original intentions for this weapon were misunderstood. The gunblade isn't really an interchangeable weapon, rather a weapon that can shoot enemies WHILE you swing your weapon. Sort of like, as you slash through an alien, a shotgun blast is released from the blade. The weapon really isn't supposed to have good range. At all. But yes, these are also good ideas. Which gave me another idea that I will probably post as well.
  6. Jotur

    Jotur Starship Captain

    Like gunblades from Final Fantasy?
    Blitz7737 likes this.
  7. Brady

    Brady Void-Bound Voyager

    Not quite. Those look more like guns than what I was thinking. The part that shoots is within the blade itself. So, as you swing your weapon and make contact, you shoot as well. If you try shooting from range, it will be extremely ineffective.
  8. SergeantSpears

    SergeantSpears Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It says i need an image URL..... what, what do i do with that.
  9. Brady

    Brady Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh right, forgot about that part. It wants you to post your picture from a website like facebook or anywhere. What you can do is right-click an image and click on "Copy Image Location" (or some other similar option) and it should give you a url. I'm going to try with the link above.

  10. nelsolla

    nelsolla Big Damn Hero

    Where does the bullet come out without breaking like 20 laws of physics and dimensional space?
  11. Shadowsail

    Shadowsail Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i know its not mine, but most likely the back of the sword is thickened to have a hallow center, to shoot out the end
  12. Aykon

    Aykon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well Since the guns are procedurally generated this would be a seperate attachment maybe for guns? Like a Bayonet or somthing or maybe Its a seperate category and there would be Shotgun/Machine/Sniper Rifles/Uzi's/Pistol Ect. Variations and stuff.
  13. SergeantSpears

    SergeantSpears Subatomic Cosmonaut

    50 Excalibur from Adventure Quest Worlds [​IMG]
    Blitz7737 likes this.
  14. Brady

    Brady Void-Bound Voyager

    It's a game. With aliens : ) There is a good chance there will be many other things you can say are unrealistic as well.

    Yeah, that is a good idea, shooting out the end.

    Yeah, I have a post in crafting. Any weapon can be mixed in with gun parts was my idea.
  15. Findarato

    Findarato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Aaah but you could have a key used for special items to activate the equipment ability? Say it is v To activate it, THEN You could just switch from sword mode to gun mode, I'm a genius. Thus, Shield use is back into play!

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