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RELEASED Gun Sets Mod v.0.5.6 Glad Giraffe


  1. Justcamefordownloads

    Justcamefordownloads Void-Bound Voyager

    Wow awesome, i can't achieve such skills, i am kinda new in sprites and stuff, but i'd like to have all the guns remade, i couldn't fully detail them due to size.
  2. Dekadrachm

    Dekadrachm Heliosphere

    Haha, its not that much skill, I'll see about getting the rest made.
  3. Justcamefordownloads

    Justcamefordownloads Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks, i won't be able to probably respond anymore till tomorrow, it's kinda late, see you later (probably)
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
    Dekadrachm likes this.
  4. JuhimCZ

    JuhimCZ Void-Bound Voyager

    In where can i obtain those "guns"?
  5. Justcamefordownloads

    Justcamefordownloads Void-Bound Voyager

    You can obtain these guns on the robotic crafting table, they only require pixels, or you can spawn them , the names of them to be spawned are found on the files.
  6. Justcamefordownloads

    Justcamefordownloads Void-Bound Voyager

    Till tomorrow, sorry, grammatical error woops
  7. Justcamefordownloads

    Justcamefordownloads Void-Bound Voyager

  8. Justcamefordownloads

    Justcamefordownloads Void-Bound Voyager

  9. Dekadrachm

    Dekadrachm Heliosphere

    oh yeah I am helping you :p oops forgot my bad
  10. Dekadrachm

    Dekadrachm Heliosphere

    I can still help if you want
  11. Justcamefordownloads

    Justcamefordownloads Void-Bound Voyager

    It's ok, it's your decision, i will love having help tho, i am on exams period and weekends are my only breath
  12. Justcamefordownloads

    Justcamefordownloads Void-Bound Voyager

  13. Ru92

    Ru92 Void-Bound Voyager

    Where do I go to craft these??
  14. Justcamefordownloads

    Justcamefordownloads Void-Bound Voyager

    On the robotic crafting table
  15. Justcamefordownloads

    Justcamefordownloads Void-Bound Voyager

  16. Justcamefordownloads

    Justcamefordownloads Void-Bound Voyager

  17. TheCreeperCyborg

    TheCreeperCyborg Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    hey, if you can code weapons, consider doing a collab w/ me, i have alot of stuff in mind, and a lack of ability to code

    LIVE REACTION Intergalactic Tourist

    I'd like to craft them tbh. The robotic table is gone, and there is currently no way to create these items. Otherwise great weapon set though.
  19. Justcamefordownloads

    Justcamefordownloads Void-Bound Voyager

    The robotic table is gone? the mod does best in glad giraffe, and it hasn't been removed on there, i'll see if i can change that.
  20. Justcamefordownloads

    Justcamefordownloads Void-Bound Voyager

    What do you have in mind?

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