Greetings from the planet Genesis

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Scagnettie, Feb 11, 2015.


Where would you like to see our RPG story lead and how deep?

Poll closed May 22, 2015.
  1. Forget the story just play

  2. Keep the story going to add more of a relistic feel to our favorite game

  3. Allow others to build up the story with fresh ideas

  4. Add contests & tressure hunts to the story with BIG prizes along with story

  1. Scagnettie

    Scagnettie Space Hobo

    Scagnettie Space Journal Entry 1 :

    The time has come & past now to explore the Universe for supply's we as Apex journey through vast systems in search of not only ore but in search of a new home planet to start a new life.I am not sure what to expect but truth is its better that way for us all.
    I left our home planet Aroma-LG426 knowing the economy & the planet was self destructing due to a higher powers doing.
    Our homes were being burned to the ground and all our crops have been stolen so now me Dr.Scagnettie a galaxy scientist was sent out alone in hopes to bring just that .... a hope for our people.
    I will be updating my Journal every day to insure the story we as myths created stays active.If you or your friends care to join the expedition to build a amazing town/city's feel free to jump on in.

    I will be writing and updating the "story" behind our adventure to further the fun & dynamics of this amazing long awaited masterpiece please do so.I am looking to start a colony for just us Apex with amazing builds to put your imagination to the test both story and other cool contests!
    Leave comments below for some good ideas
    TrueEdge likes this.
  2. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    (( I... er, think you might need an editor.
    Scagnettie likes this.
  3. DrVoodoo

    DrVoodoo Cosmic Narwhal

    Scagnettie likes this.
  4. Biirdy Daysleeper

    Biirdy Daysleeper Weight of the Sky

    Surprised. It’s so good to see new face ! Welcome to the Forum. :D
    Scagnettie likes this.
  5. RobertRevenge

    RobertRevenge Pangalactic Porcupine

    Welcome to the forums! I'm looking forward to seeing where your journey takes you! :love:
    Scagnettie likes this.
  6. SleepySquidd

    SleepySquidd Tragically Magic Hands

    Welcome to the forums! You might want to post your future journals in the fan fiction section :)
    Scagnettie likes this.
  7. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    Hey! Welcome to the forums!
    Scagnettie likes this.
  8. Scagnettie

    Scagnettie Space Hobo

    Thank you very much im so sorry I dont know the rules and I am still trying to get a friend in my universe but so far no tomatoes :( Thank you for the warning tho :)

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