RELEASED GreenFarm Extended and Vanilla! Now comes with a functional pool! 7/23/2016

A green farm that comes with two version, a vanilla like farm and an extended version.

  1. Hitgirl911

    Hitgirl911 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hello everyone!

    *start of ridiculous advertising intro*

    Do you want a green farm? Are you tired of all that yellow dirt? Want all the space to customize the farm with and you don't want anything in the way? Well! I've got the mod for you! Presenting Greenfarm!

    *end of ridiculous advertising intro*

    The reason behind why I made this is mod was because I wanted a green farm. I also wanted to keep the look of the vanilla farm as much as possible (there are more prettier green farm mods out there, I know :rofl:). This was supposed to be for personal use but I guess someone out there would probably want the same thing so I decided to post it.

    I did however modified a couple of things in the farm:

    1. I removed most of the fences (replaced them with either a wall or the weird animated plant stuff) so that you can put the fence of your liking. I placed a wall at the side to prevent weird things from happening (such as inaccessible trees growing from the side, walking into nothing and getting lost forever, etc.)
    2. I removed the smaller lake and enlarged the lower lake. I also made it symmetrical because I like having symmetry.
    3. I modified the cave entrance because I thought it looked nice.
    4. I flattened the left side of the farm because that random cliff annoyed me.
    5. Very minor modification of plants and the flooring on the sides because said minor things had bugged me or looked odd when I expanded the farm a bit.
    Other than the five above, nothing was replaced, modified, or added.

    There are two version with two variations each.

    Version 1: This is the very clean Green Farm. The entire map has only one kind of grass tile. (One tile rules them all)
    Version 2: This is the more textured Green Farm. The entire map has different kinds of grass tiles and the occasional cute animated leaves. All tiles are still diggable and if you think having one of the same will drive you mad. This is the version for you.

    There are two variations: One with dog bowl and one without the dog bowl.​

    My farm mod.png

    no dog bowl.png

    Notsmooth greenfarm.png

    (P.S: The dog bowl is in the same place as V1)

    Sorry about the screenshots, they were taken in tIDE. I don't know how to take a picture of the entire farm and that third-party app doesn't work on my PC :(

    Finally, like most other green farm mods out there. There is no need to worry about having green grass during the fall or winter. The farm will automatically change looks in fall and winter (I don't know how but it does.)

    1. Download the zip file
    2. Locate farm files: Stardew Valley>Content>Maps>Farm.xnb
    3. BACK UP ORIGINAL FARM FILES (Please do this but if you forgot, I have the original files)
    4. Unzip the file, pick a version and put said file in: Stardew Valley>Content>Maps

    This is my second mod so I may have screwed up a bit. If anything weird happens or something does not works as it should, please tell me and I'll try to fix it.

    (P.S: If you use this mod, I would like to see your farm :D If that's alright.)

    Updated: 6/23/2016

    What was changed?
    1.) Fixed the pond, some of the parts were in the wrong layer and it looked weird.
    2.) Added another variation of the farm, which is textured.​

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      Last edited: Jun 23, 2016
    • taintedwheat

      taintedwheat Master Astronaut

      Cuute. Love your pond haha.

      Do you still use smapi wonderful farm life /does it work with this?
      • Hitgirl911

        Hitgirl911 Pangalactic Porcupine

        Thanks! I actually forgot to add a couple of things to it (the water lilies) but I guess that would be an overkill :rofl: (probably fix that soon hahaha)

        Yep still do! I was actually supposed to message you about it. There were patches of dirt in some parts such as the stairs, and the entrance. The error after events (the one I report last time) still happens too. Other than those two, it's pretty good.

        I'll send the pictures tomorrow, I had to get off the my computer now.

        Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
        • taintedwheat

          taintedwheat Master Astronaut

          Yess def wanna see pics n.n i bet its hella nice.

          Especially the picnic area cuz of your lake :]
          I cant wait to see it n.n

          I'll def link to this thread and yer screnshots when you do.

          Would you consider doing that to the lake the vanilla map we provided?
          • viovasvi

            viovasvi Subatomic Cosmonaut

            great idea with the dog bowl, you're a saint. i think it looked rather out of place as well
            • Hitgirl911

              Hitgirl911 Pangalactic Porcupine

              Here are the picture!

              The picnic area:


              The stairs:


              Near the entrance:


              There were random patches of dirt in some parts O.O and it's bothering me a bit.

              I wouldn't mind doing the lake for another map :) Just to clarify, are you asking me to do it for the vanilla farm, or a map by you? I got a bit confused hahaha :)

              It does, doesn't it? It would have made a little more sense if there was a dog house hahaha.
                MayaMayhem, Rosalie and taintedwheat like this.
              • taintedwheat

                taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                awwh this is super cuuutes.

                yeah, we had to make the images like that because the ground tiles are weird in tiDE and we were trying to match them up as best we could. to make it look decent in the tilesheet since layering is super limited. and it takes jinx a lot of time to code those tiles in for smapi >:

                i will post an update rn to wfl to fix the overlay/crashing issue when you click v? should be better now
                you can test it out for me (no grandpa place yet)

                YOUR POND IS PERFECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I LOVE IT. sorry, yes i meant the farm.xnb on our op of the thread >:
                i'm ocd about my borders and this one is fixed around.

                i might suggest that if you don't want to deal with the weird yellow tiles is break up the grass instead of the whole farm? and add different grass textures? i mean, i super dig it, but its also hard for people with vision sensitivity to deal with hundreds of the same tile. this is why all my stuff is hella funky w/ graphics and playing off light and dark/contrast because composition really does help the eyes.
                • Hitgirl911

                  Hitgirl911 Pangalactic Porcupine

                  I'll check it out as soon as I can! (My mom keeps dragging me out of the house recently :zzz:)

                  Ummm... A question though, what does OP mean? (I know I probably sound like an idiot for asking this but I don't usually go on forums and I've been seeing that abbreviation a lot :rofl:)

                  My original plan was to add different tiles on the map (the occasional different texture, leaves, etc.), but I had issues with some areas were getting blocked so I scratched that plan and used one tile only (Jinxiewinxie actually help me with that in another thread that it was actually due to invisible blocks on the building layer but I already had this done hahaha.) I do plan to spice up the ground a bit. I've been playing with my test char and it looks a bit like a wall when walking around hahaha.

                  Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
                    taintedwheat likes this.
                  • taintedwheat

                    taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                    OP means original post or poster, but yar we put an update out that fixed the crashing on the thread

                    I feels you and makes me more excite
                    • Hitgirl911

                      Hitgirl911 Pangalactic Porcupine

                      I got the latest version, there were still the random patches of dirt. I was thinking of making a version of this to match the mod until a permanent fix is out :)

                      After using your mod, I can't go back to not using it hahaha :rofl: it would make my tapper trees inaccessible and I really like how it makes the farm look so lived in (it's odd to see it there when starting a new game though)

                      I've got a textured map done already but I needed to fix some parts of it.

                      Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
                      • taintedwheat

                        taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                        that would be cool, i mean, the walk way to the telescope/near grandpa's house would be changed once jinx gets to it when she wants to. she's doing kewl stuff for getdressed omg

                        yeah, all that is the mod, and she made it look like that for the tree swing to look lived in >.<; if you wanted to try an all green version you would have to go into the overrides in the folder for the mod and edit all the grass green / the places where there's dirt. and you have to do that 4 times, idk, kinda a nightmare, tis why i think it'd be hella more easier to just take a screenshot of how it is in game and work around it in tide <__>
                        • Jinxiewinxie

                          Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                          Some of the dirt is from the base game's tilesheet.. (like the stairs by the telescope area and the dirt around the farmhouse). I might try to sort it out but I'm working with a rather long to-do list =(
                            taintedwheat likes this.
                          • Entoarox

                            Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                            Any help I can give with your todo list?
                              taintedwheat likes this.
                            • Jinxiewinxie

                              Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                              I'll bug you on discord!
                              • Hitgirl911

                                Hitgirl911 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                Luckily, I'm a patient person hahaha. Oh? I wonder what that would look like, now I'm curious~

                                hmmmm... I think I'll try editing the overrides, if that's okay with you guys. I wouldn't mind editing four times hahaha. I'm on my vacation and I need a good way to kill time so I don't go mad hahaha.

                                Anyways! I finally finished your request!!! I replicated my lake into the vanilla map you had. It was actually harder to replicate something than to make something new all together O.O.

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                                  taintedwheat likes this.
                                • taintedwheat

                                  taintedwheat Master Astronaut


                                  I cant wait to check this out! I'm on my way to work rn. Takes me forever to get ready. Can I get some screens? I'll upload it as an option to the wfl mod and credit you.

                                  And yeah, go for the edits! I'll definitely link this thread and your work on it.
                                    Last edited: Jun 23, 2016
                                  • taintedwheat

                                    taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                                    hi, i tested your map, is there anyway you can get it back to the vanilla size for me?

                                    i just aesthetically prefer the fence lining up with the farm house / being able to put my own fence

                                    this was the farm i meant >.<;

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                                    • Coolwyngs

                                      Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

                                      How cool I love the one you made for taintedwheat. Could you make me one like it with a berry patch on the land in front grandpa's shrine please?
                                      • Hitgirl911

                                        Hitgirl911 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                        That's odd. I didn't touch the farm size though, it should be the same size.

                                        That's the map I download, actually... Anyways I decided to repeat it in case I got it mixed up with another Farm.xnb file (the Xnb_Node can be confusing at time :rofl: and I tend to forget if I had just extracted it or packed it).

                                        Here ya go~ Tell me if there is anything that doesn't work in the game.

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                                          Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
                                          taintedwheat likes this.
                                        • taintedwheat

                                          taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                                          Youre a dollface, dollface.
                                            eemie likes this.

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